Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A message from...
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee


President Trump continues to keep his campaign promise to Make America Great Again.

Despite attacks and resistance from all sides, the American economy is stronger, American workers are experiencing more opportunities, confidence is soaring, and business is booming.

The unemployment rate is the lowest in history and this includes Black Americans, Hispanics and other minorities...

Breitbart: Black Unemployment hits records low, black-white unemployment gap shrinks to smallest ever

...and minorities are responding!

The number of voter polls are mounting showing that President Trump's approval ratings among minorities is dramatically increasing.

In fact, some recent polls now show his approval ratings are 25% among African American voters and 50% among Hispanic voters.

The Democrats and the Leftist-Media understand that they can't win if this trend continues and that is why they continue to work to discredit these polls.

It is also why they have stepped up their attacks against him and his conservative allies in Congress.

Their accusations about President Trump and Republicans being racists and bigots are mounting and getting L O U D E R   &   L O U D E R ...

They want you to believe that President Trump is  racist...but too bad for them that President Trump's accomplishments combined with our work to dispel those lies IS WORKING!

That is why it is critical that we continue our work to get the truth out.

What we are doing is working -- African Americans and Hispanics are not buying the Left's lies as they once did.


Because these Progressive Democrats HATE President Trump, and they'll do whatever it takes to defeat him this time around.

Why do they hate President Trump so much?

Aside from the fact that he's an "America First" patriot...

...they HATE him because he had the audacity to speak directly to Black Americans last election and asked them to abandon the Democrat Party for the true party of freedom: The Republican Party.

He told them, if they did this, their lives would improve -- and boy have their lives improved under his presidency.

President Trump is on a mission to Make America Great AgainThis infuriates and scares Liberals because they know that if they lose just a small percentage of the minority vote, they'll never win an election again.

That's why they have banded together and continue to falsely declare that President Trump and all Republicans are racists, bigots, white nationalists and white supremacists.

In short, the Democrats are fighting for their political lives.

That's why you and I must continue to dispel the Left's lies and stop the Democrats from defeating President Trump seizing control of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate!

We are now less than six months out from the Iowa Caucuses, which is why we launched radio commentaries in Maine, New Mexico and Alabama in districts where the Republican has a good chance of beating the incumbent Democrat due to President Trump either winning it or losing it by a very small percentage.

Our goal is two-fold:

  1. Syphon off enough minority voters from the Democrats to cripple their ability to win the 2020 election
  2. Give President Trump a fighting chance for reelection and give him more allies in Congress for when he does

Our 90-second commentaries by our Faces of America spokespeople, Zo, Greg and Kimberlin, launched on August 12th, and are airing once each weekend (same days, times and stations) through the middle of October for a total of 24 90-second commentaries targeting minority voters.

John, your support of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC is making a huge difference.

But we must have you financial support to keep our Radio programs on the air and expand into more states!

We desperately need to launch more radio ads/commentaries immediately and update them and keep them airing up to Election Day 2020.

The next radio commentary will be from me and was supposed to air in Pennsylvania on September 9 in a district that historically flips back and forth between Democrat and Republican year after year.

We picked this district because if we can syphon off just 3 or 4 percent of the 7.2 percent minority vote, the Republican will defeat the Liberal incumbent and President Trump will have an easier time of winning Pennsylvania in 2020.

The cost for the air-time in Pennsylvania for 8 weekly ads, is $5,200.

Unfortunately, we did not have enough funds to purchase the airtime and were forced to move back our launch date to September 30...

In addition, Dat Dang, our Vietnamese "Faces of America" spokesman and a small business owner from Florida, recorded his commentary last week. Production of the ad has been paid for, but we need $6,080 to place his ads, beginning October 14, in Orange County, California where the Vietnamese voting population is among the highest. The station we have selected has a large Vietnamese audience.

This brings the total we need immediately to $11,280!

So please respond today!

The margin of victory THIS ELECTION is with minority voters, so you and I MUST do everything we can to get conservative messages, AND THE TRUTH out to minority voters.

Get this American Flag zipper pull for your donation of $35 today That's why I'm asking you to please continue to fight by my side and send an urgently needed gift of at least $35 today.

If you are able donate at least $35 today, to show you my gratitude, I will send you this patriotic Zipper Pull as my gift so you can show everyone how proud you are to be an American.

Remember: the margin of victory THIS ELECTION is with minority voters, so you and I MUST do everything we can to get conservative messages, AND THE TRUTH out to minority voters.

And when we can launch, how many ads we can run, and how long we can stay ON THE AIR is in your hands, John, so please respond today!

John Philip Sousa IV Urgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. I've explained to you why running daily ads over carefully selected minority stations is so very important and why it works.

It is simply the most effective way to reach Black Americans and other minorities with the truth and pierce through the despicable media narrative that we, and all conservatives, are racists.

Without this proven outreach program to expose the lies and set the record straight, the Democrats will win.

Thanks to your help, John, this grassroots super PAC made the difference in the 2016 election.

And together, we will do it again!

P.S.S. I am proudly displaying my American Flag Zipper Pull. I hope you will too!

I also hope and pray that you will continue to support this crusade to save America. Because of your support, we've accomplished so much, but only with your continued support can we be successful.

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If you are giving up on this critical fight, please UNSUBSCRIBE below.

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC, PO Box 1351, 22116, Merrifield, United States
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