Dr. Eleanor Gaetan, NCOSE Director of Government Relations, testified in front of the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence. The task force, which includes Representatives Annie Kuster (D-NH), Susan Davis (D-CA), Dave Joyce (R-OH), and John Katko (R-NY), was holding a virtual roundtable on addressing human trafficking.
Dr. Gaetan suggested four areas of focus where improvement is needed and Congress can act:
1. Acknowledge who is most harmed—Marginal communities, especially women and girls of color;
2. Reduce the demand for commercial sex as the only real primary prevention—Make male sex buyers accountable;
3. Stop relying on victims to prosecute sex trafficking cases;
4. Don't let digital platforms off the hook: CDA230 reform is essential.
We are encouraged by the bipartisan interest and support surrounding the issue of sexual exploitation and that people are coming together in defense of those at risk. In these turbulent times, we have hope that all will unite around this cause to protect and prevent sexual abuse and exploitation.