CBS News: Senate debate in question after Lindsey Graham refuses to take COVID-19 test

Donate to his Democratic opponent's campaign to show that there will be accountability for recklessly endangering people's lives in the middle of a pandemic.

Lindsey Graham is REFUSING to get tested for COVID-19 before a scheduled debate tonight with Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison despite having met with two Republican senators just last week who have since tested positive.

With a serious outbreak of COVID-19 among Trump officials and Republican senators that Graham works with regularly, he would put his opponent, the debate moderator, and others at risk rather than take simple precautions to protect those around him. Clearly, Lindsey Graham is not fit for the Senate. Right now, he’s not even fit to leave his house.

Can you send a clear message to Lindsey Graham that there will be accountability and consequences for recklessness that endangers people's lives during this pandemic?

Donate $7 to his Democratic opponent Jaime Harrison’s campaign before the scheduled debate start at 7pm Eastern. Every contribution will help send a clear message to Graham that there's a price for recklessness. Callous disregard for people's lives will not be tolerated.

Jamie Harrison is in a dead-heat race against Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a top Trump enabler. Jamie overcame poverty and went on to become a teacher after attending Yale and Georgetown Law.

Yesterday, we shared that the Cook Political Report just changed it's rating on this race to TOSS-UP and that a new poll shows Jaime Harrison taking the lead.

And you've probably heard that Lindsey Graham has been making the rounds on Fox News begging its right-wing viewers to donate to his campaign. 

Now, the New York Times reports that "Republicans have grown deeply concerned about Senator Lindsey Graham’s re-election campaign, and Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, has had several sobering conversations with Mr. Graham."

That all means that Lindsey Graham will acutely feel every single dollar that goes to Jaime Harrison's campaign.

Donate $7 to Jaime Harrison's campaign before the scheduled 7pm Eastern start time for the debate. Show Lindsey Graham that recklessness with people's health and lives will be met with accountability and consequences.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Elections Team (@BoldProgressive)

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