Hi there,
The latest from political analysts suggests that the electoral map will be decided by the smallest margin in years – and the tipping point state will most likely be Wisconsin.
Will you chip in $5 to expand our organizing efforts as we build the biggest and strongest team Wisconsin has ever seen?
If we can build grassroots teams on a strong foundation then we should be able to withstand the attacks from the dark-money and special interest groups the GOP will send our way in 2020.
We need to be ready now if we are going to turn Wisconsin blue and take back the White House.
Trump narrowly won Wisconsin last time and if he wins again then we’ll be responsible for four more years of his reckless policies (and Tweets!)
Support us now to lay the groundwork for a grassroots victory in 2020.
We cannot afford to lose this one.
Thank you,
Ben Wikler
Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin