If Democrats take control of the Senate, Bernie Sanders will also serve as chairman of the Subcommittee on Health

Friends -

It goes without saying that we must do everything we can in these final weeks to defeat Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in American history.

But if we are going to have any chance at moving a progressive agenda forward — one that speaks to the needs of working people and reverses the decline of the middle class in this country — then we are going to also have to elect a Democratic majority in the Senate, as well.

And if Democrats take control of the Senate, Bernie will also serve as chairman of the Subcommittee on Health. And like he says, the health care industry and the drug companies will understand a very new reality when that happens.

Today, there are two races we’re focusing on -- one race we need to hold, and one race we need to flip in order to take the Senate.

In Michigan, Senator Gary Peters is facing an obscene amount of outside spending trying to defeat him. He needs our help. In Georgia, Raphael Warnock is moving up in the polls and needs our help to ensure his place in a post-November run-off election — one that could determine control of the Senate.

In both cases, a large number of grassroots donations as voting begins will make a huge difference. So Bernie is asking:

Can you split a $10 contribution between Gary Peters, Raphael Warnock, and Bernie Sanders' work traveling the country to defeat Trump and elect a progressive Congress? This is so important.

As you’re watching Democrats move toward flipping the Senate on November 3 and when you see Bernie gavel in Senate hearings on Medicare for All a few months later, please know the donation you made today played an important part in making it happen.

All our best,

Team Bernie