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Fund Connection

A roundup of recent Fund publications, charts, multimedia, and other timely content.
October 9, 2020
Will the Pandemic Increase the Number of Americans with Preexisting Conditions?

Next month, the Supreme Court will decide whether to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA), including its coverage protections for people with preexisting health conditions. If COVID-19 were to be classified as a preexisting condition, an estimated 3.4 million U.S. adults under age 65 would be added to the ranks of those considered uninsurable, report the Commonwealth Fund’s Eric Schneider, M.D., and Arnav Shah on To the Point.

COVID-19 and Preexisting Conditions Are Voters’ Biggest Health Care Worries

On the latest episode of The Dose podcast, the Commonwealth Fund’s Sara Collins unpacks findings from a recent Commonwealth Fund poll exploring which health care issues matter most to U.S. voters in the 2020 election and which presidential candidate is most likely to address them.

The Pandemic’s Impact on Employer Health Coverage

As many as 7.7 million workers have lost jobs with health benefits, with about 6.9 million dependent family members affected as well, according to a study on pandemic-related job loss from the Commonwealth Fund, the Employee Benefit Research Institute, and the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

Creative Responses to COVID-19 in Indian Country

The pandemic has hit American Indian communities hard, but some tribes have recently managed to slow the spread of the coronavirus. A new issue of Transforming Care looks at the efforts of Indian Health Service providers, tribally run clinics and hospitals, and Urban Indian Health Programs to see what’s worked so far to contain the virus and mitigate its impacts.

COVID-19’s Impact on Older Workers and Medicare

Around 9 million Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older were employed prior to the pandemic. According to a new study, about 1.1 million of them have now lost their jobs — and many lost their employer-sponsored health insurance as well. Researchers with the Commonwealth Fund and the Georgetown Public Policy Institute explore how the potential movement of hundreds of thousands of Americans into Medicare will affect federal spending on the program.

What Does a Postpandemic Presidency Mean for Medicare?

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected Medicare beneficiaries. In the journal Public Policy & Aging Report, Commonwealth Fund researchers Aimee Cicchiello and Gretchen Jacobson argue that the next presidential administration will be in charge of decisions that could permanently alter how Medicare beneficiaries experience care, affect the amount of fraud and abuse in the Medicare program, and ameliorate or worsen the insolvency of the Medicare hospital insurance trust fund.

Palliative Care’s Value During the Pandemic

A new survey found most U.S. adults don’t know what palliative care is. In a recent feature , the Commonwealth Fund’s Martha Hostetter, Sarah Klein, and Mekdes Tsega looked at how palliative care has proven to be an essential part of our health care system’s pandemic response — enabling sick and frail people to shelter safely at home, supporting patients and their clinicians in ICUs, comforting dying patients and their family members. The authors also consider what it would take to sustain and spread palliative care programs to benefit more people.
David Blumenthal: Monitoring the President’s Health for National Security

In an op-ed for USA Today, Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D., argues that the president’s COVID-19 diagnosis — and the subsequent confusion over his health status and the spread of the virus — highlights the need to reform how the nation monitors the health of its commander in chief.

Other Recent Publications
What’s Driving High Prescription Drug Prices, and How We Can Lower Them

What are the drivers of high drug prices in the United States, and what policy solutions do we have for reining them in? A new report from the Commonwealth Fund and Arnold Ventures by experts at Waxman Strategies provides some answers. The report outlines a comprehensive range of options for reform, including turning the government into a more responsible purchaser, ending pharmaceutical practices that block competition, and fixing incentives in the drug supply chain.

How Do Trump and Biden Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Prices?

A new series on our To the Point blog is analyzing the presidential candidates’ health platforms to help Americans make informed choices. In the first installment of Health Care in the 2020 Presidential Election, the Commonwealth Fund’s Lovisa Gustafsson and Elizabeth Fowler explore Trump and Biden’s proposals for lowering prescription drug prices, a leading issue for voters. The authors find common elements as well as major differences.

Would Trump and Biden Improve Health Insurance Access and Lower Costs?

How do President Trump and former Vice President Biden plan to cover the uninsured and lower costs? Sara Collins and Gabriella Aboulafia analyze the candidates’ platforms and policies for our Health Care in the 2020 Presidential Election series.

Non-ACA-Compliant Plans Can Severely Limit Women’s Health Care Coverage

Short-term health plans and health care sharing ministries have been promoted by the Trump administration as alternatives to Affordable Care Act coverage. But Georgetown University’s JoAnn Volk and colleagues find that they exclude key women’s health services covered under the health law.

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