Title X-funded clinics served roughly 4 million people in 2018—many of them uninsured—giving them access to the birth control, cancer screenings, and related family planning services that they need. Now the Trump Administration’s “domestic gag rule” is putting the health of millions at risk. That’s why we need you to raise your voice today, as a key Senate committee is scheduled to take action very soon on a bill that could protect Title X.
The domestic gag rule is forcing providers across the country to leave the Title X program and lose millions of desperately needed dollars to provide low-income people with a broad range of birth control methods and related services. As a result, the people most in need are paying the price.
So far, 16 states have lost some or all of their Title X funding. An additional 17 states are losing Title X clinics. There is no indication that other clinics can step in to provide that care. Without Title X the number of women in need of publicly funded birth control nearly triples.
Millions of people depend on Title X clinics to give them the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant . We’re urging you to demand that your Senators protect the #TitleX program and reverse the damage done by the domestic gag rule!