We need your help to respond to this NOW! Will you donate $20 to fight back against the constant, and false, Super PAC attack ads against Kathleen run
Kathleen Williams for Congress
Help us raise $6000

We need your help to respond to this NOW! Will you donate $20 to fight back against the constant, and false, Super PAC attack ads against Kathleen running across Montana?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$10 $25 $50
$100 $250 Other

We’re making our last ad purchases before the election and it’s up to us to secure as much airtime as we possibly can in order to reach every voter across Montana.

For months, our opponent has had the support of numerous special interest groups spreading his message through ads they fronted the cash for. And in the process, they jacked up the prices for the rest of us.

But now this is our time to take back the airwaves and get Kathleen’s message out BEFORE mail voting starts tomorrow!

That’s why I’m turning to you for help! As one of Kathleen’s top supporters, can I count on you to make a $20 donation to one of our last ad buy funds?

Thank you,

Blake Thompson
Finance Director


Kathleen Williams is a fighter for Montana. She is running for Congress to fix our broken health care system, foster opportunity for all Montanans and protect Montana's outdoor heritage.


To donate via mail, please send a contribution to PO BOX 548 BOZEMAN, MT 59771

Make sure you have a plan and be sure to vote early! Check your voter registration and key voting dates here.

Paid for by Kathleen Williams for Montana.

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Kathleen Williams, P.O. Box 548 Bozeman, MT 59771