
Did you see Georgette's email yesterday?

Our budget meeting is coming up, and we don't want to have to tell Georgette and the rest of the team that we don't have everything we need to win.

This goal is important for so many reasons -- please pitch in $5 by midnight to help ensure we meet our goal.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

While we're getting closer to our goal, we've still got $3,872 left to raise.

The last thing we want to do this close to the election is cut our spending. We need to be increasing our spending to make sure voters in CA-53 know what Georgette's campaign stands for -- before they turn in their mail-in ballot.

If we don't meet this goal by TONIGHT, we'll have to cut corners -- meaning fewer lawn signs, less voter outreach, smaller ad buys.

But every time we've asked for support, you've pulled through.

If you stand with Georgette and you're ready to see her in Washington, chip in $5 or anything you can to our campaign so we can go into our budget meeting tomorrow with good news. Thank you, team. Your efforts make the biggest difference.

-- Finance Branch
Georgette Gómez for Congress