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Let this sink in.
The nomination hearings for Amy Coney Barrett are scheduled to start on Monday -- despite Trump, Melania, and several Senate Republicans and White House staffers testing positive for COVID-19. That includes members of the Senate committee holding the hearings.
Even before Trump’s diagnosis, we all knew that this hearing was a hypocritical farce and a disgraceful abuse of power by Trump and Mitch McConnell. Now it’s also reckless endangerment.
But wait, there’s more! Earlier this week, Trump declared that he’s halting all negotiations for a COVID relief package in favor of shoehorning his radical conservative nominee onto the highest court in the land. The amount of disregard for the American people is staggering, even by Trumpian standards.
I don’t know about you, but this is all the motivation I need to roll up my sleeves and get to work. Join us this weekend to text eligible voters in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia to make sure that they’re ready to vote:
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Amy Coney Barrett is a threat to our democracy and to our way of life, plain and simple. To start, she’s been vocal about rolling back reproductive rights, affordable healthcare, and same-sex marriage. With a 6-3 conservative majority on the bench, so much of the progress we’ve made throughout our nation’s history will unravel.
That’s why we need to fight back at the ballot box. The Stand Up America community is well on its way to reaching our goal of texting over 16 million voters in key battleground states, giving them the information they need to vote as early as their state allows. We could really use your help in sending some of those texts out.
We need every eligible voter casting their ballot. Electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House and flipping the Senate is the only way we can save our Supreme Court and protect everything we hold dear.
Texting with us is easy, safe, and convenient. You can do it all from your home and on your own time. Any shift you take will make a difference. Sign up today!
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Thank you for all that you do.
Christina Harvey
Managing Director, Stand Up America
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