Message from Academy Award nominee Gregory Nava, director of EL NORTE, MY FAMILY & SELENA
There is a crisis on our southern border - families are being torn apart – children are put in cages Latinos were massacred in El Paso.
I’m Gregory Nava and 35 years ago I made the Oscar nominated film EL NORTE that portrays the plight of Latino refugees fleeing violence in their homeland and coming to “El Norte” - the United States - in search of not only a better life, but of sanctuary. Today, sadly, EL NORTE and its plea for humanity and compassion is needed more than ever.
It is my hope, that as we begin Hispanic Heritage Month, we can all gather at the theaters showing EL NORTE; bringing friends and family as well as people who do not understand the issue, and create a dialogue to change the current narrative of hate and intolerance that plagues our nation. I know that if we work together, we can build something much stronger than a wall - we can build a bridge.
I invite you all on Sunday, September 15th at 2pm to join me in theaters across our nation as we once again take the journey to EL NORTE.
Muchas gracias,
Gregory Nava
Mr. Nava is donating his proceeds from the screening to the victims of the El Paso massacre. |