Live online workshop with Daniela Bomatter No images? Click here Dear Friend, In our first workshop, we took an experiential journey through all eight structure stages of consciousness as described by Spiral Dynamics and Ken Wilber’s integral theory. We didn’t approach this as a theoretical or intellectual discussion about the definition of structure stages. Instead, we were able to access the stages directly in our own subjective experience, and between us as a field of awareness. As we each gave voice to the different stages, we created a felt sense for them within the fabric of consciousness. In our second workshop, we will take a similar experiential approach to the stages, but this time we will focus on what Ken Wilber calls our “allergies” and “addictions”. These are the resistances and attachments we have developed in ourselves towards certain stages of development. When it comes to growing up, the goal of human development is to integrate all the stages in the most healthy way, and this involves what is called “shadow work”. One dimension of shadow work is the process of becoming conscious of these allergies and addictions. An “allergy” in this context means any strong resistance we feel towards the attributes of a given structure stage. An “addiction” is an unhealthy attachment we may have to the attributes of a given structure stage – in other words, where tension and contraction occurs instead of healthy integration. For example, if one’s centre of gravity resides in green, one might feel a strong resistance towards orange and/or blue – this could manifest as an aversion to rational thinking, or an issue with hierarchy. Teal on the other hand might be “allergic” to green, seeing it as too preoccupied with feelings and emotions. In this workshop we will travel through each of the stages again, and this time we will consciously seek out and discover our own allergies and addictions. We will endeavour to make them conscious in our experience, so that we can start to work on transcending them. The goal is to fully integrate all the healthy aspects of each stage within our own personality, and to become skilled in consciously calling upon them at appropriate times. When this new skillset becomes firmly established, it can help us enormously when navigating the complexity of our lives, our relationships, and the multiplicity of cultural influences. The second part of the workshop is open to anyone, even if you have not completed the first part. When you sign up, you will receive a complete recording of the first workshop free of charge, enabling you to catch up if you wish. I will not take a fee for this workshop. Instead, I am donating my time, and all income will benefit Manifest Nirvana and its ongoing development. I am very much looking forward to taking this journey with you, and if you have any questions I am always available on this email address. Warm regards, Structure Stages Part II