
My team just informed me Nancy Pelosi dropped another $1,035,900 on TV to spread more lies about me! That is on top of the $1.5 million her socialist allies were spending this week.

Let me be blunt...I am being outspent 10-1 on TV this week and I need your help to increase my TV budget to counter the lies flooding our airwaves.

Our campaign has the momentum in this race, but the Democrats are doing everything they can to try and flip this seat. Pelosi is bringing her big guns to this fight...Obama, Biden, Warren, Harris, Bloomberg, and the list goes on and on.

BUT...I have you, our grassroots army! I would rather have you on my side fighting the spread of socialism in our country. This is why I need YOU to step up today and join me in these last weeks by donating $30 RIGHT NOW.
Together we will keep this seat RED and flip the House in November!


Beth Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress