Precious Life launch 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING to stop abortion law being forced on Northern Ireland
At this critical time for unborn babies and mothers in Northern Ireland, it is crucial that we pray ardently to stop the horror of abortion from coming to Northern Ireland. After an incredibly successful 'March for their Lives' on Saturday, Precious Life have launched 40 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING - beginning on Sunday 8th September to Thursday 17th October - to stop Westminster's abortion law being forced on Northern Ireland.
You can participate in the 40 days of prayers & fasting by:
Prayer & Fasting
Jesus tells us that some evil can only be defeated by Prayer & Fasting (Mark 9:29). The two go hand in hand. Praying and fasting demonstrates our humility before the sovereign Creator of the universe. God responds when we earnestly and wholeheartedly seek Him (2 Chronicles 7:14). Fasting is not a ‘Christian diet’ - it is a form of physical prayer. You can fast from food; alcohol; cigarettes; sweets; TV; internet; etc. You can also make a donation to the work of Precious Life.
Community Outreach
You can join our FIGHT-BACK Campaign and help distribute Petition Postcards in your community. Or you can take the pro-life message directly to the public at our Street Outreach every Saturday in towns and cities across Northern Ireland.
Peaceful Vigils
Join the inter-denominational JERICHO PRAYER WALK AROUND STORMONT on Friday 20th September. Preparation Meeting in the Stormont Hotel, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast at 7.00pm.
Join the ROSARY RALLY AT STORMONT on Saturday 19th October at 2.00pm, gathering at Stormont front gates, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast.
The course of human events can only change by placing our hands together in prayer before God. We must pray if there is to be hope, because the battle is not with human beings but with the spiritual powers of evil (Eph. 6:13). God used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities, and the entire world. From Noah in the flood, to Moses on the mountain, to the disciples after Christ’s resurrection, it is clear that God sees the transformative value of His people accepting a 40 day challenge. With faith, we look forward to seeing the transformation that God will bring about to protect Northern Ireland from the horror of abortion.
For further information, please call 028 9027 8484 or email
Yours in life,
The Precious Life Communications Team