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The Unz Review Digest - October 9, 2020

Ranking first by a wide margin was my own 25,000 word discussion of the history of the white racialist movement in America over the last century, which began that period as the dominant perspective of our ruling elites and intellectual classes and was gradually pushed into the much-demonized position it holds today.  One hundred years ago an individual like Lothrop Stoddard ranked as one of America’s post prominent public intellectuals and had the ear of presidents, but today his successors like Jared Taylor or Kevin MacDonald are gradually being deplatformed from crucial elements of the Internet.  Although we commonly focus upon the racial dimensions of these conflicts, there was a quiet parallel ethnic dimension as well, with America’s traditional Puritan-descended intellectual elites gradually being displaced by Jewish ones, and Darwinist theories of anthropology by those with largely ignored that doctrine.  This sweeping and controversial perspective has already drawn more readership than any other article in the last thirty days and attracted nearly 600 comments totaling almost 90,000 words.

Ranking second was a somewhat related column by Paul Kersey focused upon black crime rates, noting that USA Today attempted to fact-check the accuracy of some of those memes floating around on the Internet based upon official FBI statistics and trumpeted the fact that they were incorrect, the true figures are hardly what the MSM normally implies, with roughly 90% of blacks killed by other blacks and blacks twice as likely to murder whites as the other way round.

Third place was held by an Eric Striker piece describing the describing the ongoing movement to decriminalize pedophilia, a project heavily led by Jewish activists as has often been the case in the past.

Our fourth most popular column was a somewhat article by Guillaume Durocher noting the remarkable precedent being set in France by the prosecution and imprisonment of writer Hervé Ryssen, essentially being charged with the crime of criticizing Jews, a shocking development in the homeland of Voltaire, who himself might have faced imprisonment for exactly similar aspects of his writing in today’s strange world.  This discussion has already attracted over 400 comments totaling some 40,000 words.

Rounding out our most popular articles was James Thompson’s discussion of a newly published book debunking some of the most widely promoted myths regarding IQ and Michael Hudson’s lengthy focus on the terrible economic destruction being produced in the West by the Covid-19 epidemic.

One morning a couple of years ago I received an urgent email from a moderately prominent libertarian figure strongly focused on antiwar issues. He warned me that our publication had been branded a "White Supremacist website" by the Washington Post, and urged me to immediately respond, perhaps by demanding a formal retraction or even taking... Read More
Previously on SBPDL:Bureau of Justice Statistics 2018 Survey of Criminal Victimization Shows Blacks Committed 90% of Interracial Violent Felonies Between Blacks and Whites   Yes, The USA Today is now fact-checking memes detailing black on white crime, to try and downplay the reality of just how bad black on white crime is in America. [Fact... Read More
In recent years, Jews and Western elites have been subject to popular accusations about their secret desire to molest or hurt children. The Q-Anon movement -- largely embraced by older conservatives -- is the greatest embodiment of this tendency. Q Anon is not "anti-Semitic," nor is it on its face threatening to the actual power... Read More
The French identitarian writer and critic of Jewish power Hervé Ryssen was jailed on 18 September after having been found guilty of hate speech on three occasions. He has exhausted his right to appeal. He faces 17 months in jail and potentially more as he has other trials awaiting him. Ryssen was found guilty of... Read More
Many people have very strong beliefs about intelligence testing. All too often those beliefs are negative and unrepresentative of intelligence research. For intelligence researchers, it is a bemusing, irritating, and depressing state of affairs. Steven Pinker, being interviewed at the International Society for Intelligence Research conference in Montreal in 2017, when asked why public understanding... Read More
The U.S. is Saving the Financial Sector, not the Economy
Before juxtaposing the U.S. and alternative responses to the corona virus’s economic effects,[1] I would like to step back in time to show how the pandemic has revealed a deep underlying problem. We are seeing the consequences of Western societies painting themselves into a debt corner by their creditor-oriented philosophy of law. Neoliberal anti-government (or... Read More
As sites like the Occidental Observer, VDARE and American Renaissance constantly describe, minority-worship is “madness-inducing.” Minority-worship inverts reality, morality and logic, insisting that Whites abase themselves and trash their societies in a vain attempt to appease the ever-growing rancour, resentment and envy of our racial enemies. All-suffering saintliness Blacks, for example, are invariably the most... Read More
Few geopolitical hot spots across the planet may rival the Caucasus: that intractable, tribal Tower of Babel, throughout History a contentious crossroads of empires from the Levant and nomads from the Eurasian steppes. And it gets even messier when one adds the fog of war. To try to shed some light into the current Armenia-Azerbaijan... Read More
Earlier: Richard Lynn Stripped Of Emeritus Status For Saying The Same Things That Made Him A Professor In The First Place and “He Kept The Faith”—A Conversation With Richard Lynn Everyone with an interest in why our world is the way it is owes a debt of gratitude to Richard Lynn, the indefatigable psychometrician best... Read More
If you can steal a whole country, what’s a little laundry?
Staff in Washington D.C.’s Blair House, where the U.S. president houses his V.I.P. foreign guests, report that they have begun counting towels and robes after visitors depart. Soap and shampoo resupply is also being closely monitored and a metal detector has been installed in the downstairs breakfast room to prevent silverware losses. The heightened security... Read More
Just like the Balkan Wars before World War I, there are interesting lessons to be drawn from the conflict, and as such I find it rather fascinating - if not surprising, given the quality of our chattering class - that it has receiving such scant journalistic and analytical attention. This is not just an insurgency... Read More
Wandering around Belgrade, I ran into the Hells Angels of Serbia’s clubhouse. I tried its door to find it locked. Weeks later, I discovered the Hillbillies MC’s pub, so I went in, had a couple beers and looked around. Their logo featured a bearded, smiling skull in front of red wings. Most of the “doom... Read More
A collection of quacks and shrewd self-promoters sold millions of Americans on exotic theories of financial ease. Instead of a promised land of sustained prosperity, we’re left with an enormous mess to clean up (at best) and probably a full economic meltdown on the horizon. For starters, we might want to try looking for better... Read More
Though more numerous today than ever, the Chinese thrive on land that they have tilled for five thousand years, land that hosts ten percent of world’s plant species and fourteen percent of its wild animals, thanks to their assumption that, since man and Mother Nature are mutually dependent, man must care for his Mother. The... Read More
Amid a new surge of COVID-19 in New York City’s Orthodox Jewish communities, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo decided to temporarily close public and private schools in several areas with large Orthodox populations. Watch CBS’ News report: Unsurprisingly some Jews are upset. Less surprising is the fact that a few Jewish leaders have pulled the ‘antisemitic... Read More
During the first presidential debate, Chris Wallace asked President Trump to “condemn white supremacists and militia groups.” President Trump replied that he would, but wanted specifics. Mr. Wallace identified “white supremacist and right-wing militia” and Joe Biden named the Proud Boys. President Trump rather confusingly responded that the Proud Boys should “stand back and stand... Read More
Last night’s presidential debate revealed the faulty assumptions most media are using against President Trump. President Trump was right when he said to moderator Chris Wallace, “I guess I’m debating you, not him, but OK.” President Trump is debating almost all media outlets and journalists. This morning, there are countless stories and tweets that President... Read More
Can we agree that there are two types of Covid-19? The first type, is Covid-19 ,"The Virus", which is a fairly mild infection that most people don't even realize they've contracted. They remain either asymptomatic or have slight flu-like symptoms that go away after a week or so. A tiny sliver of the population-- that... Read More
In the end, the only true way to address gun violence in America is to admit the racial dynamic to fatal and nonfatal gun violence in the USA. It's that simple. The Buffalo News was just capable of admitting those responsible for gun violence in the city - disproportionately impacting black people in Buffalo -... Read More
See also: No, Peter Brimelow, I Am Not Reviewing Jonah [Expletive Deleted] Goldberg's New Book Editor Peter Brimelow wants me to review Matthew Yglesias’s One Billion Americans: The Case for Thinking Bigger But I have some fundamental questions before I do so. First, what does “American” even mean if we import more than 600... Read More

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