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The Home Stretch: Trump, Biden and NYC's Housing Crunch

 News of the Week

Your Guide to NYC’s 2020 Election
Enter your address to see who's on your ballot November 3. It's not just the presidential race: every seat in Congress and state Senate & Assembly district is up for grabs, too.

Nearly 10K NYC Eviction Notices Filed This Summer, a 74% Drop
Despite the dip, Tenant advocates say Gov. Cuomo’s extension of the eviction moratorium will permit too many cases to proceed, and doesn't protect tenants who are undocumented or work in informal jobs.

In ‘Holistic’ Approach to Crime, DA Hopeful Wants to Prosecute Landlords
Diana Florence, one of nine candidates challenging incumbent Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance in June's primary, says landlords who game the rent-regulation system ought to face criminal sanctions.

NYCHA Gets Nod for Work to ‘Connect’ Communities
An initiative to redesign the authority’s 2,400 acres of open space on public housing campuses stresses resident engagement.

Swing-Seat Dem Fights for Re-election Amid Renewed COVID Lockdown
Andrew Gounardes, who represents southern Brooklyn, turned one of the last red seats in New York city blue two years ago. He could face a tough race trying to hang on to it.

Voting Problems: What NYers Actually Need to Worry About
President Donald Trump has repeatedly said there’s a problem with the way the U.S. does elections, and broadly speaking, he's right. It’s just that the real problem is not the one he talks about—fraud—but the election system’s tendency to discourage or disenfranchise voters.


'We hear proponents of voter suppression talk about voter fraud, and the reason those two go together is the devices used to prevent so-called fraud actually prevent eligible voters from voting.'

Perry Grossman, a senior attorney in the voting rights project at the New York Civil Liberties Union, on what New Yorkers actually need to worry about at the polls next month.

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Mapping The Future  Voices of New York  Una Ciudad sin Limites

Una Ciudad sin Límites

Latinos por Trump en Nueva York ¿Qué los motiva?
¿Qué explica el nivel relativamente alto de apoyo al presidente Trump en algunos subgrupos latinos?

Planes en inmigración de los candidatos presidenciales
Dos plataformas diferentes en temas de inmigración apuntan a conseguir más votos latinos.

La buena noticia sobre reducción de pobreza en NYC no es nueva, y eso es malo
La tasa de pobreza de la ciudad cayó en 2019. Pero los eventos de 2020 muy probablemente han revertido esa tendencia.

Casi 10.000 notificaciones de desalojo de la ciudad de Nueva York presentadas este verano
Los defensores de los inquilinos dicen que la prórroga de la moratoria de desalojo por parte del gobernador Cuomo permitirá que demasiados casos pasen por los tribunales.

Democracy is in the Details
The 2020 elections are easy to paint in broad strokes.
But what happens afterward will be about the fine print.

In a time of health emergency, fiscal crisis and political tension, City Limits' in-depth, policy-focused reporting isn't just worth reading. It's worth supporting so others can read it, too.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: Senate Housing Chair Must Help ‘Cancel Rent’
'Tenants are accruing debt that they will not be able to repay. The latest CDC guidance is not comprehensive or long enough and we need state leaders to act.'

Opinion: Toleration of Age Discrimination Must End. You Can Help End It
'There’s a role for government officials, employers and workers in ending a very common form of employment discrimination: ageism.'

Opinion: Councilmember Relies on Misleading Data in Push for Unjust Gowanus Rezoning
'This planned rezoning is part of the all-too-familiar de Blasio approach of targeting working class neighborhoods, industrial hubs, and communities of color for luxury condo development.'

Opinion: Filling Out the Census is an Act of Political Power
'For so long, some of us have been told – in a million big and small ways – that we don’t have a place at the table. We’ve witnessed decades of voter suppression that continues to plague our nation today, but we cannot let the census follow suit by robbing entire communities of our fair shake.'

Opinion: NYC’s Growing Income Inequality Threatens Pandemic Recovery
'To overcome the wounds of this public health crisis, the city and state need additional funding to address the social and economic vulnerabilities that existed prior to the pandemic, which are heightened now and risk widening income inequality even further.'

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