Just this week, the Washington Post led the shameful charge against Judge Barrett’s Catholic faith. In a piece meant to invoke the dystopian Handmaid’s Tale TV show, they presented her Catholic beliefs as if they were objectionable or disqualifying.
Of course, you can thank the Senate Democrats for giving them that idea! After all, it follows the same playbook they have used on numerous originalist judges in just the past few years.
In 2017, during Judge Barrett’s federal judiciary confirmation hearing, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) infamously told her, “The dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.”
In 2019, during Judge Brian Buescher’s confirmation hearing, Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Maizie Hirono (D-HI) suggested he couldn’t serve because he was a member of a Catholic men’s service and charitable organization.
And in the year between, Senate Democrats, the media, and the entire left joined together for one of the most shameless, disgusting campaigns of personal destruction against now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh … when they proved that they will say or do anything to attack those who may stand in the way of their extreme agenda.
Fellow American, you and I recognize the despicable playbook that the mainstream media and the left are trying to use on Judge Barrett because we have seen them use it for years.
Right now, the left is throwing out everything they can imagine to try to derail Judge Barrett’s nomination, from attacking her beautiful family and adopted children to pledging that they’ll pack the Supreme Court if they sweep into power next year.
That’s why we must speak up now in support of Judge Barrett!
Stand with the American Principles Project right now and tell the Washington Post and the mainstream media that enough is enough — it’s time to stop the lies and smears about Judge Barrett’s faith and family.