The #1 way to convince Congress to support Medicare for All is by confronting them, face to face, with the real consequences of their actions.
Medicare for All

I wanted to make sure you saw this, friends.

We’re trying to collect real stories from real people all over the country about their experiences with the U.S. health care system. We’ve already received over 100 submissions, but we haven’t heard from you!

Can you take a few minutes to tell us about your experiences and struggles with the current health care system, and explain in your own words why we need Medicare for All?

Share your story »

We’re thrilled that 117 U.S. Representatives have cosponsored the Medicare for All Act of 2019. But day after day, the other 418 tune out the cries for help from their constituents; they completely ignore all the suffering and crippling debt that this health care crisis is causing. And the pharmaceutical companies that bankroll their campaigns sure don’t want us talking about it either.

But that’s exactly why we’re launching this effort. The #1 way to convince Congress to support Medicare for All is by confronting them, face to face, with the real consequences of their actions. We need to make it so that they can’t run or hide from the truth anymore. But we can’t do it alone.

Share your story with us today and let’s turn up the heat on Congress even more. They can’t continue to ignore the suffering that their refusal to support Medicare for All is causing.

In solidarity,

NNU Organizing Team

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