Hosting Biden, taking on the Trump administration's disastrous policies, upcoming programs and more!
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President Trump’s chaotic performance at last week’s presidential debate -- yes, it was only last week -- has reinforced the urgency of our work in the weeks ahead.

Whether it be his embrace of white nationalists, his disastrous foreign policy, or his negligent response to the pandemic, President Trump has repeatedly demonstrated why he is a danger to our community, to our country and the basic fabric of our democracy. At J Street, we believe there can be no greater priority than defeating Trump this November.

We’re proud to be leading our community in rallying the resources, energy and volunteers needed to defeat this administration and to win pro-Israel, pro-peace majorities in both the House and the Senate. Through JStreetPAC, our movement has now raised over $6.5 million for diplomacy-first House and Senate endorsees, as well as over $2 million directly for the Biden-Harris campaign. In September, we were honored to host Vice President Biden himself for a virtual campaign reception to discuss his vision for restoring American leadership and promoting genuine Israeli-Palestinian peace.

With the president continuing to embrace his most dangerous and violent supporters, we joined with over two dozen Jewish groups to jointly denounce white supremacy and far-right extremism.We’re deepening our community’s alliances with and support for refugee, immigrant and racial justice advocates. And as Trump signals that he may refuse to accept defeat at the ballot box, we’ve proudly joined the "Save the Vote" coalition of advocacy organizations working to ensure a free, fair and safe election, and an orderly transition of power.

At this absolutely critical moment in our history, thank you for standing with our movement.

Logan Bayroff
Director of Communications

Around J Street

J Street holds reception with Democratic nominee Joe Biden

Joe Biden
J Street was proud to host Vice President Joe Biden for an exclusive reception this September. In his remarks and a Q&A with J Street leadership, the Democratic nominee shared his appreciation for our community’s support, criticized the damage done by the Trump-Netanyahu agenda and outlined his vision for a resolution to deliver peace, dignity and security to Israelis and Palestinians.

“I’ve made clear that I’m going to oppose annexation as president,” Biden told attendees. “A two-state solution is the only way to ensure Israel’s long-term security while sustaining its Jewish and democratic identity. I don’t know how they do it without a two-state solution. And it’s also the only way to ensure Palestinian rights to a state of their own.”

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Join us on J Stream

Upcoming J Stream

After a short break for the holidays, we're back this week with some exciting J Stream programming. Join us on Tuesday at noon Eastern as we examine the rise of the Israeli protest movement against Prime Minister Netanyahu. Recent lockdown restrictions have not slowed the growth of the protests, which are taking place at hundreds of locations across Israel. We'll be joined by famed Israeli singer Achinoam Nini (Noa).
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And be sure to visit J Stream for some of our best programming you may have missed over the past month.

Israeli normalization deals with UAE and Bahrain are welcome -- but not a substitute for comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace

Since President Trump’s White House signing event for the UAE and Bahrain normalization agreements, reporting has exposed that the parties were rushed to the photo-op by administration officials before a final draft could be agreed upon. Key issues, including agreements to protect Israel’s qualitative military edge, appear to have been left out entirely. Now, President Trump is running ads in key swing states boasting of “Peace in the Middle East” and touting a “Nobel Peace Prize” nomination for his efforts.

At J Street, we have been clear that while any normalization agreements between Israel and its neighbors are welcome and positive steps, they should not be politicized, sensationalized or misrepresented as a substitute for genuine Israeli-Palestinian peace. As our president Jeremy Ben-Ami told the New York Times, “It’s not conflict resolution and it’s not peace -- This formalizes [aligned interests], but it shouldn’t be overplayed as resolving a core conflict for Israel with its neighbors.”

J Street joins ‘Save the Vote’ alliance to help protect our elections

Save the Vote
At J Street, we recognize that the history of the Jewish people teaches us the fragility of democratic rights and freedoms, and that we must be prepared to stand up and fight for the values we hold dear. With America’s democratic foundations under unprecedented attack from the president himself, J Street is proud to join the ‘Save the Vote’ campaign. As part of an alliance of leading national advocacy groups, we’ll help those fighting to defend voting rights and the integrity of our elections, and to ensure a peaceful transition of power.
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Speaking out against Trump’s failed Iran policies

Trump at End the Iran Deal Rally
President Trump’s "America first" doctrine is increasingly looking more like "America alone," and it’s putting both American interests and Israeli security at risk. The Trump administration led the United States to a series of humiliating defeats at the United Nations Security Council, with even our closest allies refusing to join the Trump administration in its attempt last month to use the “snapback provision” of the Iran nuclear agreement -- despite having publicly decided to withdraw from participation in the agreement two years earlier.

We’ve been clear in calling this out for what it is: the dangerous result of President Trump’s failed, unilateral Iran policies. Following Trump’s repudiation of the successful JCPOA agreement, Iran has now stockpiled several times more fissile material than it had when he took office. Tehran’s hardliners have been strengthened, Iran has fired missiles into a US base in Iraq and the international coalition the Obama-Biden administration built to isolate Iran has now collapsed, leaving the United States high and dry.

The silver-lining: Public support for multilateral diplomacy has surged in the past four years, opening the door for the urgent, skilled diplomacy needed to restore and build on the deal. Polls show that voters increasingly support diplomatic action and reject Trump’s failed unilateralism.
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Our Israel: Meet the Bedouin Israelis fighting for their land and heritage

Bedouin Israelis
J Street is proud to stand with Israeli activists undertaking the difficult but inspiring work to advance the cause of peace, justice and equality in Israel, and to build a better future for all Israelis and Palestinians. As part of J Street’s “Our Israel” series, this month we’ve profiled the important work of the Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev and the Bedouin people’s fight to protect their indigenous culture, heritage and land rights.

“We want to be equal citizens in our country. We want to be an integral part of the State of Israel, while maintaining our special character and heritage as Bedouin,” Council Chairman Attia Asalam tells J Street. “It is important to me that the Israeli public does not see us as enemies.”
Read & share the full profile →

Meet the J Streeters: Six Questions With Assistant Israel Director Eve Lifson

As part of a new series examining the experience and values which drive J Street’s staff, we interviewed Assistant Israel Director Eve Lifson. Eve made aliyah from the United States shortly after college. Working in J Street’s Tel Aviv office, she coordinates Israeli and Palestinian speaker programs and designs and runs J Street’s on-the-ground trips with students, foreign policy professionals and members of Congress.

“Home demolitions and settlement expansion have soared thanks to the implicit greenlight from the American administration. Lives have been devastated, and these policies continue without any accounting for them,” Eve told us. “My wish is for diaspora Jews to continue to engage with Israel, and despite the heartbreak and the disillusionment of the current reality, to continue to fight for peace and justice for all Israelis and Palestinians.”
Read & share Eve's inspiring Q&A →
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© 2020 J Street | | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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