Dear Friend,
My name is David Egan. I’m a multi-medal winning athlete, a trusted employee, a sought-after public speaker, and an advocate for all people with disabilities.
I also have Down syndrome.
When I was born in the 1970s, doctors gave my parents grim predictions for my life based on my diagnosis. But, boy did I prove them wrong! I’m proud to live my life as an example that Down syndrome does not define us as people. It may give us obstacles, but with patience and persistence, we are able to contribute to our society in ways many people would never expect.
This Down Syndrome Awareness Month and National Disability Employment Awareness Month, I’m working with Special Olympics to help shatter the stereotypes that still exist towards people like me. Sure, we may need extra help at times, but who doesn’t? While we need help, I think that we can also help others see what matters in life.
My brother Marc says that I taught him how to be compassionate and open to differences, focusing on what unifies us. I think Special Olympics does the same for a lot of people. I hope you agree.
So this Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I want to ask you to help Special Olympics continue to shatter stereotypes by empowering people like me with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities to get off the sidelines and show the world our abilities.
Special Olympics helped me find my voice. When I first started swimming with Special Olympics as a kid, I dreamed of winning races and getting medals. As I got older, I looked to bigger goals — like having a job and finding ways to change attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities.
Special Olympics helped me reach those dreams and continues to push me to be stronger everyday. Now I want to make sure every single person with an intellectual disability gets that same opportunity that I had. Will you help give them that chance?
Your gift to Special Olympics helps ensure a brighter future for people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities.
Thank you for supporting athletes like me.
David Egan
International Global Messenger
Author, More Alike Than Different: My Life with Down Syndrome |