Welcome to your weekly Rundown, for the week ending October 9.
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Event: What does the 2020 Election mean for Clean Energy?
ClearPath is excited to co-host the National Hydropower Association’s Path to Clean Energy Virtual Event, “What does the 2020 Election mean for Clean Energy?” The 2020 elections are right around the corner, with the balance of Congress and the presidency in play. No matter the outcome, we need to consider how the election could shape the evolving U.S. electricity system. The panelists will explore the presidential candidates’ energy policies and discuss which clean energy proposals could advance in a new Congress, depending on the election outcome.
Moderated by Malcolm Woolf, NHA’s President and CEO, the event will include:
- Rich Powell, Executive Director, ClearPath
- Karen Wayland, kW Energy Strategies
- Jim Connaughton, Former White House CEQ Chairman; President and CEO of Nautilus Data Technologies
- Katherine Hamilton, Chair at 38 North Solutions and co-host of Energy Gang podcast
Register here

A Simpler, Dedicated Pathway for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Licensing
Alex Gilbert, a Project Manager at the Nuclear Innovation Alliance, and ClearPath’s Niko McMurray wrote a column examining how private sector innovators are currently paving the way for advanced reactors to begin producing clean energy. Due to the differences between these technologies and the existing fleet of large light-water reactors, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is modernizing its review process. A modernized approach will be a gamechanger for future American reactor designs, enabling their deployment to aid
in decarbonization.
Read their column here

Milken Institute: Renewed Outlook: Sustainability as a Business Model
Next Tuesday, October 13, ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell will join the Milken Institute for a discussion on climate change and the subsequent consequences that have led to high-profile energy companies examining their product portfolios and making net-zero commitments.
Brian Sullivan, Anchor and Senior National Correspondent at CNBC will moderate the event which includes:
- Giulia Chierchia, Executive Vice President, Strategy and Sustainability, BP
- Andrew Littlefair, President and CEO, Clean Energy Fuels
- Scott Jacobs, CEO and Co-Founder, Generate Capital
- Rich Powell, Executive Director ClearPath
Register here

Strengthening the U.S. Financial System and Expanding Economic Opportunity
Last week, ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell testified before the House Select Committee on the Crisis on, “Creating a Climate Resilient America: Strengthening the U.S. Financial System and Expanding Economic Opportunity.”
In his testimony, Rich discussed how to help achieve clean, reliable, affordable and exportable energy in the U.S. including these five topics:
- Climate change and its economic risks
- Reducing these risks through global emissions mitigation and local adaptation;
- The challenges of changing developing countries’ emissions trajectories;
- A strategy for America to lead on solving the global climate challenge;
- and Opportunities to build on last Congress’ bipartisan clean innovation record.
Check out his testimony here

DOE to Announce Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program Selections Next Week
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will be announcing the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP) selections next week. ARDP, a concept that ClearPath helped develop in 2016, is designed to help domestic private industry demonstrate advanced nuclear reactors in the United States. For the Fiscal Year 2020 budget, Congress appropriated $230 million to start a new demonstration program for advanced reactors. Through cost-shared partnerships with industry, ARDP will provide $160 million for initial funding to build two reactors that can be operational within the next 5 to 7 years. Read more

OPG advances towards SMR deployment
On Tuesday, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) announced plans to pave the way for the deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs) by advancing engineering and design work with three developers of grid-scale SMRs: GE Hitachi (GEH), Terrestrial Energy and X-energy. “Deploying SMRs in Ontario would capitalize on the province’s existing nuclear supply chain but could also enable other provinces to move away from coal; provide alternative energy options to benefit energy intensive industries; drive job creation and innovation; facilitate deep, economically sustainable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions; and accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to a zero-emissions electrical grid in Canada,” the company said. Read more

DOE Announces $26.9 million for Advanced Nuclear Technology
Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $26.9 million in funding for three domestic projects that will accelerate advanced nuclear technology development. Two awards will advance flexible operation of light-water reactors with integrated hydrogen production systems. The third will leverage the modeling and simulation capabilities developed from the DOE Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program and Energy Innovation Hub for Modeling & Simulation. Read more
NIA: We Need Both Nuclear and Renewables to Protect the Climate
The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) wrote a blog, “We Need Both Nuclear and Renewables to Protect the Climate,” rebutting a Nature Energy study which claimed nuclear energy is not associated with reducing carbon emissions. Read more
Washington Times: Fusion energy needs smart federal government regulation
Andrew Holland, executive director of the Fusion Industry Association, penned an op-ed in the Washington Times explaining the importance of correctly regulating fusion energy to increase investment and enable a more rapid adoption of the clean energy technology. He wrote, “We need to demonstrate our leadership in this growing industry. If regulated appropriately, the United States can be the center of a true revolution in energy that will shape the global economy for generations.” Read more
The Atlantic Council: Strengthening cooperation with allies could help the United States lead in exporting carbon-free nuclear energy
Matt Bowen, a research scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University School of International Public Affairs and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center; Jackie Kempfer, a senior policy adviser for the energy and climate program at Third Way and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center; and Jennifer T. Gordon, managing editor and senior fellow for nuclear energy at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center co-wrote a blog for the Atlantic Council on nuclear cooperation. Read more

C3: Republicans Propose Real Solutions for Energy Sector
As Congress considers energy legislation throughout the remainder of this session, their solutions should be ambitious but also pragmatic. Too often, energy policy is oversimplified: renewables versus fossils, economy versus environment, 100% reductions globally versus inaction here at home. These are false choices. ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell wrote an op-ed in C3 News Magazine outlining Republicans’ real, innovative, free-market solutions for the energy sector. Read the op-ed in the
newly launched c3newsmag.com.
A Carbon Capture Credit with Huge Returns
A recently conducted study on the benefits of the 45Q carbon sequestration tax credit shows how long-term certainty could yield more clean power and manufacturing, more than 100,000 new jobs and gigatons of emission reductions. Carbon capture projects are often billion dollar investments that require long-term certainty to pencil out and attract investment. New modeling from the Rhodium Group, a leading research firm that's partnered with BlackRock to analyze climate risk among other things, puts in perspective exactly how big of a difference carbon capture and an extended 45Q credit can make, with the credit set to expire in December 2023. And it’s big. Watch our latest whiteboard video, “A Carbon
Capture Credit with Huge Returns" here.
Happening this morning: Duke Energy will host a virtual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investor day from 10:00am – 12:00pm ET. More details and registration information here
October 13: The Milken Institute is hosting a panel discussion, “Renewed Outlook: Sustainability as a Business Model” from 1:15pm – 2:15pm ET on climate change and the subsequent consequences that have led to high-profile energy companies examining their product portfolios and making net-zero commitments. ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell is a panelist. More details and registration information here
October 13: ClearPath is excited to co-host the National Hydropower Association’s Path to Clean Energy Virtual Event from 2:00 – 3:00pm EDT, “What does the 2020 Election mean for Clean Energy?” More details and registration information here
October 21 & 22: The Global CCS Institute and U.S. Energy Association, with the support of the Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy, will host two days of panels exploring opportunities to deploy CCS projects in Texas.
Registration for Oct. 21
Registration for Oct. 22
October 22: The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Women in Nuclear Washington, D.C. chapter are hosting, “The Nuclear Low-Carbon Conversation” to promote Nuclear Science Week and build awareness of nuclear’s critical role in clean energy and a low-carbon future. More details and registration information here
October 28: The Cleantech Group is hosting a webinar at 11:00am EDT on, “Nuclear Innovation and Deep Decarbonization: Can Innovation Transform the Global Energy System?” More details and registration information here