Dear John

Yesterday we received notification from Maersk, the biggest shipping company in the world, that they will no longer use military-owned ports in Burma. These ports earn the military millions of dollars a year in fees from shipping companies.

We placed Maersk on our ‘Dirty List’ in May this year, as they were using a military-owned port, and have been in dialogue with them to persuade not to use military ports.

This is a great campaign success. For the biggest shipping company in the world to stop using military ports is a blow for the military, and increases pressure on other shipping companies to do the same. Human rights activists in Burma have welcomed the decision.

Maersk will now use other ports in Burma which are not owned by the military, demonstrating to other companies that it is possible to do business in Burma without doing business with the military.

It is important to challenge companies when they do something wrong, but also to thank them when they do something right.

We’d like you to thank Maersk for taking this action. It sets a very important precedent.

If you use social media you can leave a message:

On their Twitter account here:

On their Facebook Page here:

Or you can email them with a quick thank you here: [email protected]

Here is a suggested message you can copy and paste and use on social media:
Dear @Maersk. Thank you for taking a principled stand & making the decision to stop using ports in Burma which are owned by the military. Profits from these ports help fund violations of international law. I hope other shipping companies follow your lead.

Maersk is the third major international company this year which has cut its links to the Burmese military because of our campaigns. Together we are reducing the amount of money the military receives from its vast business empire. Please make a donation to help us continue this vital and effective work.

Thank you for your support.

Mark Farmaner
Burma Campaign UK
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