Three-Quarters of Presidential Campaign Is Focused on Just 6 States
Map shows distribution, by state, of the 78 general-election campaign events for first 6 weeks

38 states voted for the same party in the past 5 presidential elections (and will probably do so again on November 3). Thus, platform promises and White House actions are designed to appeal to the closely divided states that either candidate might possibly win. In total, three-quarters of the 2020 presidential campaign is concentrated on 6 states. These states have out-sized influence over government policy. Some examples:
The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate receiving the most popular votes in all 50 states and D.C.

It will make every voter in every state matter in every presidential election. New 8-minute video

This is the perfect moment to send an email to your state legislators asking them to support the National Popular Vote bill. Most of them are up for election on November 3.