Friday, October 9th, 2020

Addictus Stimulitus

David Stockman

Buy Gold And Silver Coins Instead of Lottery Tickets and Turn the Tables on the Bankers

Bill Sardi

Where Is the Coronavirus? The CDC Says It Isn’t Available

Jon Rappoport

The ‘Soft’ Lockdown in Sweden

Peter Bistoletti, MD

Operation Warp Speed Is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor To Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret

Whitney Webb

A Man of Conscience: A Tribute to Professor Stephen F. Cohen

Yvonne Lorenzo

What Happens After the Election

Doug Casey

18 Reasons To Forgo Flu Vaccinations This Year

Gary G. Kohls, MD

Net Zero Is an Absurd Proposition Promoted by Stupid People

Rosco Mac

What Could Go Wrong? Plenty

Charles Hugh Smith

The One Lockdown That’s Killing Us All

George F. Smith

The Microchip Is Here: DARPA Biochip To ‘Save’ Us From Covid Can Control Human DNA

Robert Wheeler

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