OpenSecrets' new online ads portal provides a comprehensive look into the massive amounts of money being poured into political ads on Facebook and Google.
Never-Trump group is 2020’s top ‘dark money’ spender so far
President Donald Trump’s reelection effort faces an onslaught of attack ads from well-funded groups run by disaffected Republicans. And one of the most prominent of these Never-Trump groups isn’t disclosing its sources of funding. Defending Democracy Together has spent $11.5 million on independent expenditures opposing Trump or backing Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Organized as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit and thus not required to disclose its donors, it’s the top spending “dark money” group of the 2020 election cycle so far.
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Democrat Harrison eclipses Graham in South Carolina Senate spending
South Carolina Democrat Jaime Harrison has proven a worthy opponent for incumbent Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) in the expensive 2020 Senate race.
According to a recent Quinnipiac University Poll, the candidates are tied at 48 percent among likely voters, making the upcoming election among the toughest of Graham’s career. Graham also received a somewhat negative favorability rating of 43 percent, while 51 percent found him unfavorable. Harrison’s, on the other hand, is generally positive at 48 percent favorable versus 35 percent unfavorable.
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While Biden’s campaign pulled negative ads, super PACs kept attacking Trump
Democratic nominee Joe Biden pulled negative ads after President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19. But deep-pocketed super PACs supporting Biden’s campaign continue to hammer Trump on the airwaves, showing how outside groups often do the dirty work for candidates. Shortly after Trump announced he had contracted COVID-19, Biden said he would cancel attack ads against Trump. Biden and his campaign leaders also asked staff to refrain from commenting about Trump’s condition on social media.
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