
Our moment is now. As I type, ballots are being sent out to millions of Californians.

It's time to show the country what type of candidates are able to win in 2020. Growing up a low-income, first-gen Mexican American who started working as a teenager to put food on my family's table -- people like me don't usually end up in politics.

Our campaign has hit a crucial point in the election cycle, and now more than ever, we need to get our message out to the voters who are sending out their ballots right now. When voters hear what this movement is about, what we stand for, and what we will do for them in Congress -- they support us.

But our time is limited, and we need your help to make sure that our efforts do not go to waste.

We're just $4,627 away from hitting our goal to make sure we can keep our voter outreach efforts up. Can you chip in $5 or anything you can today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I am a daughter of Mexican immigrants, a first-generation American who was born in the Barrio, and I'm now president of the San Diego City Council, one of the largest cities in the country.

I am part of the immigrant community, which is a great honor and a great responsibility as a leader in politics. Representation is so important -- if we are not represented at the table, the issues that affect our community are not being addressed or resolved in Washington.

I'm ready to represent and ensure that the problems our community is facing are addressed, like immigration reform and economic issues, people living paycheck-to-paycheck.

But unfortunately, our campaign finance system is plagued by big money, and this race is a prime example with my wealthy opponent and her grandparents spending well into the seven figures to try and buy her a seat in Congress.

The good news is that when voters are informed about my background and plans, we win. And that's where you come in.

All the time we've spent has led up to this moment. Let's make the most of it -- chip in $5 or anything you can now so we can finish strong.   Thank you for your continued support of our campaign.

-- Georgette Gómez