
A Mark Kelly Senate victory in Arizona wouldn't only flip one of four critical seats Democrats need to take back the Senate. Since this is a special election, the victor will also be sworn in days later, giving Democrats a chance to block the confirmation of Donald Trump's dangerous right-wing Supreme Court nominee. Yet right now, the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll shows Mark clinging to a 1-point lead over his GOP opponent.

As an engineer, an astronaut, and a U.S. Navy captain, Mark is a lifelong public servant who will work tirelessly in the Senate to help lead our country through these difficult times and make progress on the issues that matter most to the American people.

But early voting in Arizona started yesterday, so Mark urgently needs to raise $20,000 before midnight tonight to hold onto his razor-thin lead and reach more voters – and we can't let him fall short this close to Election Day. With Senate control and the future of the Supreme Court at stake, I need you to rush your immediate support:

Please, can I count on you to rush $5 or more right now to make sure Mark Kelly wins in Arizona, flips a critical red seat blue, and saves the Senate and the Supreme Court from McConnell and Trump?

Mark Kelly's momentum in Arizona's Senate race is Mitch McConnell's worst nightmare. That's why McConnell's super PAC just dumped a staggering $10.6 million into the race to flood the airwaves with attack ads against Mark, and the NRA just added another $100,000 toward attack ads of their own. They're desperate to keep this seat and the Senate majority in GOP control – all so they can continue pushing their dangerous agenda.

If Mark is going to have the resources it will take to fight back against this onslaught of dark money and flip this must-win Senate seat, grassroots supporters like you need to step up with every dollar you can spare right away. So please, I'm personally asking: Will you rush an immediate donation to Mark's campaign?

Rush $5 or more now – any amount goes a long way – to make sure Mark Kelly has the resources to defeat the GOP in Arizona, take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell, and put a stop to Donald Trump's dangerous agenda.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you so much. Your support truly makes all the difference.


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