Can you believe it? We're officially in the home stretch of an extraordinary grassroots campaign for positive change. It goes without saying that we would not be where we are without the dedication of our supporters and volunteers.
But now it's time to kick our efforts into high gear for the last stage of this campaign: getting out the vote. That's because early voting starts in Texas on Tuesday, October 13 — just five days away!
So we're coming together for a special GOTV kickoff event TOMORROW at 7pm central to talk about our plan to win and how you can help. We’ll be joined by a super special guest, Senator Ed Markey, who just endorsed our campaign for Congress! Can you make it?!
RSVP now >> [[link removed]]
Sen. Markey and I both grew up working class. We both know what it's like to care for a sick family member or struggle to pay for college. That's the experience we bring to Congress — fighting for health care, jobs, and more opportunity for Americans.
But more importantly, Sen. Markey knows how to take on the establishment, beat the odds, and win. I'm sure he'll have a lot to share about what he learned from his recent primary with us — and provide some much-needed inspiration as we prepare to launch our unprecedented GOTV program across TX-25.
If you've been waiting to get involved at the right time, that time is now . Something special is happening in this district and if we don't keep up this incredible momentum, we could fall short.
Let's not leave anything to chance. RSVP for tomorrow's GOTV kickoff event with Senator Ed Markey, and be a part of the historic grassroots movement that will flip TX-25 from red to blue! >> [[link removed]]
See you (virtually) tomorrow night,
P.S. Even if you don't live in the district, we need you! There are plenty of ways to get involved virtually — RSVP for tomorrow's event to learn more: [[link removed]]
To contribute via check, please address to:
Julie Oliver for Congress
P.O. Box 310
Austin, TX 78767
United States
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