From ADL's Never Is Now Summit <[email protected]>
Subject Don’t miss Never Is Now: the world’s largest event on fighting antisemitism and hate
Date October 8, 2020 10:08 PM
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When prominent figures, from political leaders to world-renowned artists and athletes, repeat and condone antisemitic and extremist theories and bring them from the fringes into the national conversation...

When we are tracking historically high levels of incidents in ADL&rsquo;s most recent audit of antisemitism...

When a heated election season drives a deluge of social media posts attacking candidates and their supporters with antisemitism, racism and other forms of hate...

When misinformation and hate-filled attacks spread against Jews, Asians, immigrants and others who are falsely blamed for the devastating spread of the pandemic...

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Then Never is Now.

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Never is Now: ADL&rsquo;s Summit on Antisemitism and Hate

November 8-19

Don&rsquo;t miss the world&rsquo;s largest event on antisemitism, hate and bigotry. Never Is Now is the best way to learn about and discuss contemporary drivers of antisemitism and hate and how to replace misinformation with facts. This year, it&rsquo;s online and free, so we expect a bigger crowd than ever, and registration opens today!

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To get a sense of the information and inspiration of Never Is Now,
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take just 80 seconds to watch the highlights from 2019&rsquo;s Summit, including a clip from Sacha Baron Cohen’s fiery speech that helped spark a national conversation about the proliferation of hate on Facebook. If you want to fight back against antisemitism and all forms of bigotry then visit our Never is Now website to learn more and register today.

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Big Ideas, Big Names and a Big Goal

Hear from prominent leaders in the fight against hate in a gathering that this year will cover critical topics like Antisemitism Across Borders,How Hate Has Moved From On Campus to Online, the Vital Need for Holocaust Education,Diverse Jewish Voices on Current Issues and Violent attacks on the Jewish Community and the Fight to Overcome Them.

This year&rsquo;s event has panels on hate crimes legislation and preventing digital harassment that can provide you with a chance for Continuing Legal Education credits as part of the Edward Brodsky CLE track.

As part of Never Is Now, we want to inform and hear from young people across the country, so high school students are invited not just to the general sessions, but also to a special post-event discussion. Students are also invited to apply for the first-ever
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Edward Brodsky Student Fellowship to learn how they can use the positive power of peer influence to promote respect, equity and inclusion in their schools. The fellowship is capped at 50 students and the application deadline is October 23, so if you know high school students who care about fighting hate, please encourage them to attend Never Is Now, and apply for the fellowship. Questions about the high school programming?
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Register today for this vital virtual Summit, and then next week, we&rsquo;ll send you a guide to setting up your personalized agenda for Never Is Now.

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See you there starting on November 8!

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