Watch our video. Share it. Together, we've got this. Be an #OctoberVoter.
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Fighting for: Democracy
Why we fight: Watch the video

As we approach November — and with so much at stake — it's easy to feel despair.

But remember: Defending our democracy is what we do.

Now we're in the final sprint and you have the power to move this country toward justice, fairness, and inclusion... with your vote.

With our All Voting is Local campaign, we're fighting relentlessly to protect this fundamental right for people nationwide, especially those who've historically faced barriers to the ballot. Watch our video and see how.

It wasn't a mistake that 17 million people were purged from voter rolls between 2016 and 2018. And it wasn't an oversight that half the states in the country enacted voting restrictions in the last decade. They're afraid of your power. And that's why we're fighting harder than ever — because this is the election of our lifetime, and your vote counts.

So watch our video, share it — and visit to make sure your voting plan is in place. Together, we've got this!

—The Leadership Conference

P.S. Be sure to catch our latest updates and get alerts to your mobile device so you can take swift action. Text "civil rights" to 40649 to sign up today.
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1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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