Dear John,
Kamala Harris went on offense last night in support of our two biggest priorities -- ending the Muslim Ban that separate Iranian Americans from our families, and reversing Trump's reckless abandonment of diplomacy and the Iran deal.
You and I have helped build the political power so that the issues Iranian Americans care about are the issues winning campaigns run on rather than run from.
But to continue NIAC's work to run the largest-ever Iranian American voter contact and candidate engagement campaign in history, we need to raise $30,000 from supporters like you to cover the costs of calling and texting every Iranian American voter, sending out mailers to ensure Iranian Americans vote in the battleground states, and to continue hosting candidate briefings on the issues that matter to our community.
Will you donate $20, $100, $500 or an amount that's right for you so we can win this election for our community? >>
In the past 30 days, NIAC members have made tens-of-thousands of calls to register voters. In just the last 48 hours our staff and volunteers have helped nearly 500 Iranian Americans fill out their vote plans to ensure they have everything they need to cast their ballots. Our team has briefed over 100 candidates on our issues, and our Political Action Committee has contributed directly to candidates to win the White House, flip the Senate, and elect a record number of Iranian Americans this November.
A contribution of as little as $20 could be the difference between having the resources to make our impact on this election, or narrowly losing in a key battleground because communities like ours didn't show up.
If we want to repeal the ban and inhumane sanctions against our families in Iran, protect our community's civil rights at home, use diplomacy to prevent war and actually advance human rights, we need to win this election and we can only do our part with your support. Will you ensure we have the resources to continue our Beshkan the Vote campaign in its final stretch so we win big on November 3?
Thank you for your support,
Jamal Abdi
President, NIAC
Donate $20
Donate $100
Donate $500