Make Calls to Help Elect Jaime Harrison!

Jaime Harrison is fighting to defeat Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. The race is tight, and we're doing everything we can to help Jaime win and end Graham’s shameful tenure in the Senate. Join #Fight4HER for a virtual phonebank for Jaime on Thursday, 10/8 at 5pm ET.
GOTV With #Fight4HER
We’re working to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) for Population Connection Action Fund-endorsed candidates! So far, we’ve contacted over 4,500 voters to make sure they have all the information they need to cast their ballots to defeat Trump, flip the Senate, and retain Democratic control of the House. Join us in the fight to elect candidates who will uphold reproductive rights around the globe—together, we can bring about a blue wave in November!
No Supreme Court Confirmation Before Inauguration
The election is already underway as voters across the country cast their ballots to decide the next president of the United States, and whether or not Republicans will maintain their stronghold in the Senate. That’s why we can’t let Trump and the GOP rush through the confirmation of their nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, before Inauguration. Demand that your senators wait until after the inauguration of the next president before considering the next Supreme Court Justice.
Check Your Voter Registration Status

The 2020 election is our opportunity to prevent the damage that four more years of Trump and his cronies could do—and it starts right now! The first step in making sure Trump and his enablers are voted out of office this November is making sure that YOU are registered to vote! Use our new tool to check your status now. Even if you are a regular voter, your name could have been purged by state officials as part of efforts to clean up voter rolls—so check your status to make sure your vote is counted.