John --

Vice President Mike Pence delivered a crushing defeat to higher taxes, more job loss, big-government policies, the Green New Deal and a ban on fracking, government-run healthcare, packing the Supreme Court and the Harris-Biden ticket.

The Vice President is a tremendous leader and successfully touted the many successes of President Trump’s America First Agenda. He did an equally great job of taking on the big government, extreme policy agenda of the Harris-Biden ticket. Click here or below to watch the Vice President take on their extreme agenda head-on.

With the issue of the Covid-19 pandemic front and center, the Vice President, leader of the White House Coronavirus Taskforce, delivered a complete picture of the efforts this White House has undertaken to protect American lives from this deadly disease. From providing PPE equipment, ventilators, supplies and personnel to areas of the nation hardest hit to working with Congress to pass the CARES Act to support those families that lost their jobs and countless small businesses, the Trump administration has been responsive to this historic disease that has impacted the entire world and helped to save lives. Vice President Pence reaffirmed President Trump's promise that Americans will see a vaccine by the end of the year. The Harris-Biden plan for Covid-19 is to shut down the economy and have Americans shelter in place. That is not a winning strategy and it would have severely negative impacts on our nation.

During the debate, Senator Kamala Harris underscored why she has been rated the U.S. Senate’s most liberal member. She astonishingly doubled and tripled down on plans to raise taxes on hardworking American families, ban fracking and eliminate public health insurance. And through their repeated refusal to answer the question, it should be clear that the Harris-Biden ticket supports packing the Supreme Court with as many extreme-liberal justices as possible.

Additionally, Senator Harris had trouble with the truth as she said repeatedly that the Harris-Biden administration will not support a ban on fracking. However, I would encourage you to watch a video of Senator Harris saying she would ban fracking across the nation on her first day in office. Click here or below to watch.

Last night's debate was a clear victory for the Trump-Pence campaign, the America First Agenda and our nation.

I am very proud to support the Trump-Pence 2020 campaign.

Thank you,


Dan Meuser

Meuser for Congress · PO Box 11512, Harrisburg, PA 17108, United States
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