Zoom updates, election activities, and self care
Dear John -
With the national election ending in just 25 days, we have limited chapter events to encourage everyone to participate in election campaigning, voter outreach (#evp) , ballot events (#ballot) , and self care (#social) .
Come to our monthly meeting (#meeting) on Saturday and sign up for the events. NOTE: Zoom has started requiring security to all meetings, so be sure to RSVP ([link removed]) this month to get the new passcode!
More details below:
* October 10: October Climate Action Meeting (#meeting)
* October 10: C ([link removed]) limate Speaker Series: Alex Posner (#speaker)
* October 17: Voting Party - Come fill out ballots together (#ballot)
* October 18: back by popular demand! Artful Affirmations and Conversations (#social)
* Ongoing: Phone Banking with the Environmental Voter Project (#evp)
Also don't miss:
* CCL is hiring! Career opportunities with CCL (#careers)
* A reminder of who we are (#meeting)
** Saturday, October 10, 11:00am-12:45pm EDT ([link removed])
** CCL DC Chapter Meeting ([link removed])
RSVP ([link removed]) for new Zoom meeting Passcode!
[link removed]
Join Citizens' Climate Lobby to multiply our efforts on climate change. We will plan upcoming events, and advance our efforts with Voter Outreach, Conservative Outreach, Student Outreach, Congressional Advocacy, and Movement Building. Don't miss this conversation with like-minded climate advocates!
What: CCL DC Chapter Meeting
When: Saturday, October 10, 11am-12:45pm EDT
RSVP: [link removed] ([link removed])
RSVP for October chapter meeting ([link removed])
** Saturday, October 10, 1:00-2:00pm EDT ([link removed])
** CCL September Monthly Speaker with Alex Posner ([link removed])
As we seek the common ground between Republicans and Democrats on climate solutions, Students for Carbon Dividends (S4CD) ([link removed]) has emerged as an important ally in building support on college campuses for revenue-neutral carbon pricing. Alex Posner, President and Founder of S4CD, joins our October call to share about the work his organization is doing to bring Republicans on board and the growing movement of the EcoRight, especially among young conservatives. A speaker at CCL's June conference in 2018, Alex holds a BA in History from Yale University and is also a volunteer with Magicians Without Borders.
What: CCL October Monthly Speaker with Alex Posner
When: Saturday, October 10, 1:00-2:00pm EDT
(Pro-tip: CCL has started a new pre-meeting photo and video slideshow. Join 15 mins early to check it out!)
RSVP: [link removed] ([link removed])
RSVP for October's monthly speaker ([link removed])
** Saturday, October 17, 9:00-11:00am EDT ([link removed])
** CCL DC Ballot Party ([link removed])
[link removed] Grab your favorite morning beverage and join your fellow DC chapter Citizens' Climate Lobby activists for a casual discussion on D.C. candidates. Complete your ballot informed and on-time!
Not yet registered? No judgement-- we can walk you through easy online registration.
Confirm your voter registration here ([link removed])
You do not need to be a CCL member or a DC resident to attend. All are welcome, if you just want to join us for some accountability and camaraderie.
What: DC Candidate Discussion and Voting Party
When: Saturday, October 17, 9:00-11:00am EDT
More details & RSVP: [link removed] ([link removed])
RSVP for Voting Party ([link removed])
** Sunday, October 18, 2020, 4:00-6:00pm EDT ([link removed])
** Artful Affirmations and Conversations ([link removed])
** Languages of Leisure for Activists ([link removed])
Back by popular demand! We are repeating our Art for Activists event with Arlene.
Be prepared to have fun, be moved and learn for an energetic, enlightening and empowering two hours. Your art skills are less important that an open heart and mind - All are Welcome.
Activists love creation - humans, animals, and the environment. This outpouring of love may deplete reserves. The need to replenish may be masked in our doing. You may need to replenish if you feel sustained anger, anxiety, fatigue, overload, overwhelmed, sudden binging, stuck in procrastination or lapses in memory.
Why This Event is A Must
You receive resilience bank tools to replenish yourself while helping people and causes you care about.
What: Self-Care Sunday: Artful Affirmations and Conversations
When: Sunday, October 18, 2020, 4:00-6:00pm EDT
More details & RSVP: [link removed] ([link removed])
RSVP for Self Care Sunday ([link removed])
** When: Every week until the election (http://)
** Environmental Voters Outreach (http://)
Join Citizens' Climate Lobby, Eco.Logic ([link removed]) , and the Environmental Voter Project ([link removed]) to increase the number of environmentalists who vote.
The Election ends in 25 days. Early voting has already begun in a number of states and the next few weeks are critical in determining the outcome. We are working with the Environmental Voter Project to call 2 million environmentalists who have never voted before across 12 key states. Voter outreach is a numbers game and we need all the help we can get.
What: EVP Mid-Atlantic Texting Party ([link removed])
When: Tuesday, October 8th TODAY, 4:30pm-6:00pm EDT
RSVP for 10/8 and 10/14: [link removed] What: CCL East Coast Chapters' Phone Bank with EVP ([link removed])
When: Every Wednesday from now until November 3rd, 6:30-8:30pm EDT
RSVP: [link removed]
What: EVP Training and Calling Party with Eco.Logic ([link removed])
When: Thursday October 22nd at 6:30pm EDT
RSVP: [link removed]
More upcoming events with CCL'rs are on the DC Chapter calendar ([link removed]) , plus other phone banking events dates/times can be found on the EVP events page here. ([link removed]) .
Citizens' Climate Lobby is hiring!
CCL is currently looking to fill jobs for Digital Marketing Manager ([link removed]) , State-Level Carbon Pricing Coordinator ([link removed]) and Senior Business Relations Representative ([link removed]) . If you’re interested, click the links for each posting to get more details about job description and qualifications. Know someone who might be right for one of these jobs? Pass it along.
We have limited our October chapter events to encourage everyone to participate in voter outreach, election campaigning, and self care ([link removed]) . Be kind to yourselves and the people you care about. Please don't hesitate to reach out for any reason.
If you are missing more CCL in your life, check out CCL National's event calendar ([link removed]) . For example, these are the upcoming trainings for our December Lobby Day ([link removed]) .
We value each and every one of you volunteers. We couldn't do it without you. CCL has shared this uplifting video to remind us who we are and why we do this:
[link removed]
A Reminder of Who We Are
Quick actions you can take for the climate:
* Sign up to call Congress once a month ([link removed])
* Send a Tweet to our member of Congress ([link removed])
* Join CCL's weekly introductory call ([link removed])
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