The Alcohol Policy Resource Center at Prevention First provides training, education, resources, and tools on evidence-based alcohol policy strategies to municipalities, local officials, law enforcement, and community coalitions focused on underage drinking in communities throughout Illinois.
Helping communities reduce underage drinking and alcohol misuse.
To reduce alcohol use among those who are 12-25 years old in communities throughout Illinois.
October 2020
APRC Webinar: Placebos, Prevention, and Parents: What the Science Says About Alcohol and the Important Role of Coalitions
How is alcohol use related to academic outcomes for students? How does messaging from parents impact youth and young adult alcohol use? How does drinking at night impact quality of sleep? This virtual presentation will explore examples from science related to relevant, important findings for youth and young adults, and will examine the role parents, prevention specialists, and coalitions can play in affecting alcohol use by youth, adolescents, and young adults.
Presented by Jason R. Kilmer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington School of Medicine

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
10:00am - 11:30am
Register here
Alcohol Policies and Suicide
How alcohol policies and suicide correlate is a very intriguing concept. A review of literature was conducted in 2016; examining 20 different research studies from all over the world.(Source: Xuan, Z., Naimi, T., Kaplan, M., Bagge, C., Few, L., Maisto, S., Saitz, R. and Freeman, R., 2016. Alcohol Policies and Suicide: A Review of the Literature. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40(10), pp.2043-2055) They found the protective effect of restrictive alcohol policies can carry over to have an impact on preventing suicide. Some of those policies they discuss include: Alcohol Price & Taxation, Alcohol Outlet Density, and Zero Tolerance Laws. This concept reinforces our efforts to incorporate restrictive alcohol policies for positive youth outcomes.

The Alcohol Policy Resource Center can provide assistance on how to analyze your data, scan your community, and match policy to assessment findings. The resource below features how to prevent easy retail access including implementing Alcohol Outlet Density Regulations.
Featured Resource
Easy Retail Access Prevention
Illinois Alliance on Reducing Underage Drinking
The Illinois Alliance on Reducing Underage Drinking was formed in early 2020. The Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention & Recovery, leads the charge which allows stakeholders to:
  • Share current underage drinking prevention efforts being implemented in Illinois
  • Share information on best practices to reduce underage drinking
  • Share data & research on efforts to reduce underage drinking
  • Review the Illinois STOP ACT report
  • Provide a unified front for underage drinking prevention efforts in the State of Illinois
Currently the Alliance meets virtually on a quarterly basis. If you are interested, please reach out to the APRC - Kellie Henrichs or Jody Heavilin.
Coalition & Community Partnerships
Traffic Safety Resource Liaisons are located throughout Illinois and make great coalition partners. The Traffic Safety Resource Centers are funded through the Illinois Department of Transportation. Their goal is to assist IDOT in reducing injuries and fatalities on Illinois roadways by providing communities with traffic safety education and resources. Their focus includes teen safe driving and the prevention of intoxicated driving.
APRC Clearinghouse
The Alcohol Policy Resource Center is excited to offer some of our resources in a new Clearinghouse! Requests can be made by downloading the Clearinghouse Form and emailing it to Jody Heavilin. The resources will then be mailed to you.

We would love to hear from you! If there is an Alcohol Policy or Prevention topic you would like more information on, please contact Jody Heavilin at [email protected].
Alcohol Policy Resource Center

Funded in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.