Dear John

Only four days until Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales: 12–18 October! 

Check out our featured events which include a film premiere, the launch of an anthology of lockdown poetry, and feature events on race, class and gender, LGBTQ+ poverty, a showcase of some of the most exciting and innovative local initiatives to Challenge Poverty across England and Wales, and many more…

Sign up for one event or for all of them!  All our featured events (other than Sound Delivery on Wednesday evening) are FREE. Click on the title of an event to find out more and book your place - or see the complete list of events at the Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales website.

Same Boat film premiere
Tuesday 13 October 7–8pm

Join us for the premiere of The Same Boat, a short film written by Ellis Howard and directed by Brody Salmon inspired by the stories of those with lived experience of poverty during lockdown. Following the short screening there will be an opportunity to discuss both the writing and film-making process, along with issues raised with Ellis, Brody, cast and crew. Bring popcorn! 


Challenging Poverty: Why we need to talk (more) about race, class and gender
Wednesday 14 October 1–2pm

Covid-19 has highlighted and exacerbated inequalities for particular groups; including women, people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, and working-class people. Speakers will include Faiza Shaheen (economist, writer, activist and commentator; Director of the Centre for Labour and Social Studies and co-author of Minority Report: Race and Class in post-Brexit Britain), Sandra Rice (Migrant Support), and Maddy Power (Research Fellow in the Department of Health Sciences, University of York; co-leader of ‘Covid Realities’ - a safe online space for parents and carers with children under 19 and living on a low income, to share and document the everyday realities of their lives during the Coronavirus pandemic). 


Sound Delivery’s Being the Story: Life in Lockdown 
Wednesday 14 October 7:00–8:30pm

The Covid-19 pandemic and UK pandemic brought new and existing issues to the forefront of our lives and has affected people in ways we are still discovering. For this special edition of the regular Being the Story event, five people will share their stories of Life in Lockdown and put a spotlight on everything from Mental Health, to Black Lives Matter, valuing our frontline workers, to supporting families, and homelessness. 
Tickets are £5–15.


Challenging Poverty: Local solutions
Thursday 15 October 3:30–4.30pm

Be inspired!  This event will showcase some of the most exciting and innovative local initiatives to Challenge Poverty across England and Wales at the moment.  Come along to hear about the work of the Poverty Truth Network, Children North East's programme to 'Poverty Proof the School Day', the growing network of 'Self-Reliant Groups' being supported by Purple Shoots in South Wales and the South West, and Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum's 'Fair and Just Future for Cornwall' initiative.  


Same Boat Poetry Anthology Launch and Open Mic 
Thursday 15 October 7–8pm 

Join us for the launch of the Same Boat? poetry anthology, poems on lockdown & poverty. An opportunity to hear from those who contributed to the book, both live performances & discussion around the themes raised, along with an open mic for anyone who wants to share their own poems, spoken word or music. 


How can we work together to tackle poverty in LGBTQ+ communities?
Friday 16 October 2–3pm

There’s a risk that the experience of people from LGBTQ+ communities is lost when we have discussions about poverty. Join us for a panel discussion and conversation to explore how people from the LGBTQ+ community can become part of the movement to tackle poverty in the UK. Hosted by Ellis Howard & Millie Mcleod, panel members to be confirmed. 

Best wishes

Liam Purcell
Church Action on Poverty

PS looking further ahead...
We hope you'll also take part in Church Action on Poverty Sunday on 28 February 2021. Resource packs are now available to help you plan a service or other fundraising event - click here to find out more.
We've also just published Life-Changing Stories, our new Bible studies - why not use them to plan a Lent programme? Click here to get your copy.