Thursday, October 8th, 2020

What Could They Put in the Covid Vaccine?

Jon Rappoport

Round Up the ‘Anti-Vaxxers’?

Enlist religious leaders? Bill Gates warns US needs to brainstorm ways to reduce ‘vaccine hesitancy’

Finally, Freedom in Michigan

Andrew P. Napolitano

The Fascist America That Kamala Promises

Jack Cashill

As Boris Johnson Announces Britain’s ‘Great Reset,’ Were the Covid ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Right All Along?

Neil Clark

Asian Supremacy

Steve Sailer

Comey’s Amnesia Makes Senate Session an Unforgettable Hop, Skip, & Jump to Fraud

Ray McGovern

The Wallacization of Fox News

Robert Ringer

Welcome to Bergeron!

Eric Peters

Ex-OPCW Chief Jose Bustani Reads Syria TestimonyThat US, UK Blocked at UN

Aaron Mate

Five Quick Things: The Polls, or the Fundamentals?

Don’t pack it in just yet. Scott McKay

A Half-Million Sharks To Be Killed for Covid-19 Vaccine

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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