
Today, in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, we're launching a major new initiative to end the youth e-cigarette epidemic in the United States. It's called Protect Kids: Fight Flavored E-cigarettes.

Your support and advocacy will be critical.

E-cigarettes are hooking a new generation of kids, thanks to Big Tobacco tricks like slick marketing, thousands of kid-friendly flavors and massive doses of nicotine. Last year, e-cigarette use among high schoolers skyrocketed by 78%, to 1 in 5 students. This dangerous epidemic is putting millions of kids at risk and threatens decades of hard-fought progress in reducing youth tobacco use. 

And it’s getting worse each day.

With bold action, we can end the youth e-cigarette epidemic and spare a generation from the grip of addiction. We will:

  • Advocate for policies to reverse this epidemic, especially by prohibiting flavored e-cigarettes and pushing for strong FDA action;
  • Build a nationwide movement to demand change; and 
  • Launch hard-hitting communications campaigns to spread the word about this escalating crisis and stand up to companies like JUUL.

It’s time to protect our kids. Because this crisis can’t wait.

Please go to to learn more and join this initiative.

And share it with your networks today to help us spread the word!


Matt Myers



Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
1400 I St NW, Ste 1200
Washington, District of Columbia xxxxxx
202-296-5469 | [email protected]
