John -- Earlier today, Sammy Lawrence from the California Democratic Party reached out to ask why you’re in this fight with us. And, John, we’re already overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of responses from folks all over the district, in Philadelphia, and beyond! Peter A. is excited to vote for Gil because he’s committed to electing Democrats. Lerea N. is voting for Gil because she cares about all the issues of workers, civil rights, and equity. Andrew U. votes because he cares about transparent local government, accountable police, justice for all, good paying jobs, safe neighborhoods, affordable housing, and affordable health care. What it all comes down to, John is that we all have a reason we’re in this fight -- and that’s true of Gil, too. In Congress, he’s fighting hard to invest in our local economy, expand access to affordable health care, and provide family-wage jobs so that everyone in our community can thrive. But the reality is that his progress on these issues -- and more! -- will be erased if he’s not re-elected this November. Can you chip in anything at all to help us keep Gil on the Hill? If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.
Thank you, -- Everyone on Team Cisneros |