Pebble Mine executives were just caught on tape BRAGGING about all the political
influence they’ve bought for themselves, John. They’re
convinced that with enough dirty money, they can get their toxic mine approved.
And the Pebble Mine project would be a disaster: 5,000 acres of precious
wetlands polluted and more than 90 miles of salmon streams destroyed – along
with 10 BILLION tons of toxic waste dumped into Bristol Bay’s pristine ecosystem.
The vast majority of Alaska natives and Bristol Bay residents oppose this
corporate scheme. But despite their opposition, despite the clear threat to the
planet, despite the corrupt corporation leading the project – the Pebble Mine permit could be approved in just a few weeks.
We’re running out of time to stop this devastating project from moving forward –
and the people of Bristol Bay are counting on us to stand with them. We urgently need another 139 concerned environmentalists to take IMMEDIATE action – including you,
John. But we can't hold this poll open past 11:59 p.m. – and we're still missing your response. Tell us, before time runs out on this poll and Bristol Bay's pristine ecosystem:
Should we fight to stop the Pebble Mine project from PERMANENTLY DESTROYING
Bristol Bay?
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anyone else. Deadline cannot be extended beyond 11:59 p.m. tonight**
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