10 September 2019


Newsagent caught hiding illegal tobacco in fruit juice containers could face two years in jail


Denmark: AP Pension cuts tobacco from €15bn portfolio

Juul 'ignored law' in US e-cigarette adverts


Newsagent caught hiding illegal tobacco in fruit juice containers could face two years in jail

A newsagent's accused of hiding illegal tobacco in empty fruit juice containers will have its licence reviewed by the council. Bolton Council’s trading standards service visited the Great Lever property in March with a tobacco detection dog and officers from Greater Manchester Police.

According to a town hall notice: “At the premises a quantity of tobacco products which were not legal for supply in the UK were concealed in emptied fruit juice containers in the kitchen area and in the storeroom of the premises. The tobacco products which were seized were not in plain packaging and some had warnings which were not in English. As such, it would be very apparent to someone in the business of selling tobacco that the products were not legal for sale.”

HMRC estimates that the trade in illicit tobacco products cost the UK economy £2.5bn in lost revenue in the 2016/17 financial year.

From 20 May 2017, it has been a criminal offence to supply any tobacco products in packaging other than plain packaging. The Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016 requires the presence of warning statements on tobacco products and requires the warnings to be in English.

Source: Manchester Evening News, 2 September 2019

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Denmark: AP Pension cuts tobacco from €15bn portfolio

Denmark’s AP Pension has decided to cut tobacco producers from its investment portfolio on health and environmental grounds, in a move that will trigger the sale of hundreds of millions of kroner of investments this year. The DKK115bn (€15.4bn) commercial pension fund said the resolution was a natural consequence of its work with the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development. It was also a logical decision for a company also providing health insurance services.

Listing the three main reasons for the sector blacklisting, AP Pension said tobacco was clearly harmful to health – not only for smokers, but also for the people who worked in its production. At the same time, the cultivation of tobacco had a number of negative environmental consequences, including forest clearance, soil degradation and water pollution, as well as non-recyclable and chemical waste, and cigarette smoke itself.

In addition, despite being historically associated with low-risk, reasonable returns relative to the world index, tobacco stocks had shown signs of price decline, AP Pension said, partly because of pension companies’ exclusions. At the same time, it said, the implementation of the UN’s Global Goals was expected to lead to increased tobacco regulation and fewer smokers worldwide.

Source: IPE, 9 September 2019

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Juul 'ignored law' in US e-cigarette adverts

US regulators have sent a warning letter to Juul Labs, saying the e-cigarette company violated US law by promoting its products as safer than traditional cigarettes. The firm must have approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make such a claim.

The company, which has said it is reviewing FDA concerns and will cooperate fully, must provide a written response to the FDA within 15 days. Acting FDA commissioner Ned Sharpless said companies must present scientific evidence before marketing products as less risky than tobacco.

Source: BBC News, 9 September 2019

See also:
Public Health England. Evidence review of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products 2018

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