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October 2020 Newsletter

We are just days away from our annual event, Destination College+, sponsored by Aurora Capital Partners! Starting Sunday, October 11th, students and families nationwide will log on via Zoom to access over 20 workshops that will help prepare them to get into and pay for college as well as enter the workforce and manage their finances. High schoolers will also attend the NACAC College Fair with 400+ colleges present, while college students and alumni will attend our Career Expo, proudly supported by Sony Pictures Entertainment, with 44 great companies such as Hulu, Google, LiveNation, Capital Group, Comerica, and many more. Special guest, Tiffany Haddish will be there to kick off the event and on day three, Los Angeles Rams Defensive Lineman Sebastian Joseph Day will be sharing a heartfelt message with students.

Remaining focused on initiatives that advance equity for first-generation students of color, we transitioned Destination College+ to a virtual conference. So far, more than 1,400 students (and counting) have reserved their spot from across the country to participate in this ground-breaking event. Expert presenters from within and outside of California are also lending their expertise to lead workshops for students and parents at all stages in the college journey. Companies are excited to participate in an opportunity to attract a new generation of diverse, workforce-ready future team members.

As we continue to respond to the educational crisis precipitated by the pandemic, facing record numbers of low student attendance and enrollment, we will continue to innovate as we have with Destination College+ so that we can better support students’ hopes and dreams, even as they are confronted with new responsibilities and competing priorities which present challenges to college-going and graduation.

Beyond virtual learning, we have done what we always do: we meet our students “where they are” — providing knowledge, supporting growth, instilling confidence, and empowering them to embrace their latent talent. Whether that is by picking up the phone or setting up individualized socially-distant counseling sessions, our team is committed to ensuring that students stay on track to graduate, go to college, earn their degree, and carve a pathway for them and their families. We thank you for continuing to stay in Fulfillment Fund’s corner.

Charlie is the one waving

Meet David and Charlie

The two lucky Fulfillment students that will interview our special guest, Tiffany Haddish, for Destination College+, have a long history with the Fulfillment Fund and embody our many students and what they wish to do with their education in the future. Before their interview, we flipped the script and asked them some questions. Get to know David and Charlie.

Watch Dr. Gitnick's heartfelt message

Throw Back!

Last year, Fulfillment Fund founder, Dr. Gary Gitnick, shared a personal message of empowerment and inspiration with students that was shared with them at Destination College+ 2019. Watch the video as we head into this year's conference.

This is Jessica, she works at Fitkidz now.

Growth Beyond College

Further than our mission to make college a reality for our students, our vision is to provide them with the ability to actively participate in transforming their communities to create a better society. That means cultivating successful and empowered professionals that will lead growth in their communities. Read more from our Director of College Success Programs, Gus Najera.

Fulfillment Fund workshops and webinars to help students stay on track

Shop with AmazonSmiles

Prime Day is back October 13-14. If you are going to shop, please do so via AmazonSmile and pick Fulfillment Fund as your benefiting charity or with AmazonSmile ON in the app, and we will receive donations from Amazon.

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6100 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 600, Los Angeles, CA 90048