Netflix Indicted!

Texas State Rep. Matt Schaefer, a Statesmen Academy alumnus, made national news Tuesday when he tweeted a picture of the indictment of Netflix, Inc. by the District Court of Tyler County Texas.
A grand jury in Tyler County indicted the streaming service for showing “Cuties” which includes “visual material which depicts the lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a clothed or partially clothed child younger than 18 years of age… which appeals to the prurient interest of sex,” according to the document.
As we shared with you last month, the new French film broadcast by Netflix centers on a group of 11-year old girls in a dance troupe called “Cuties.” But their dance routines are anything but cute – they include seductive poses, twerking, and even simulating sexual acts.
The movie is pornographic and clearly meets the legal definition of child pornography in federal law: “any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video… where the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.” (18 U.S.C. 2256) *
Despite a reported eightyfold increase in Netflix cancellations since “Cuties” was released, and the District Court indictment, the company continues to defend the film. “’Cuties’ is a social commentary against the sexualization of young children. This charge is without merit and we stand by the film,” Netflix said in a statement yesterday.
Unbelievable! Quite the opposite of Netflix’s claim – we believe firmly that “Cuties” is a film which sexualizes young children. For that reason, we celebrate the grand jury indictment in Texas while waiting expectantly for the U.S. Department of Justice to take action.
Just this Monday, Family Policy Alliance sent the petition signed by more than 17,500 of you to Attorney General William Barr calling on the DOJ to enforce federal obscenity law – including laws against child pornography. It is imperative and urgent that the federal government investigate and prosecute Netflix for distributing the pornographic film “Cuties.”
 Many Members of Congress echo this sentiment, including Statesmen Academy alumnus Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03), who wrote a letter to the DOJ in September calling on the Attorney General to bring charges against Netflix. “’Cuties’ is child porn and unlike certain media apologists, I and the vast majority of Americans are disgusted by that, which is why a grand jury indicted Netflix. I’d still like to see the DOJ get involved. Netflix broke federal law,” Banks said.
If you are one of the 17,500 people who signed our petition to Attorney General Barr, thank you! We pray that its delivery on Monday, along with news of the Texas court indictment on Tuesday, will encourage the Department of Justice to act now – before more children fall prey to the porn industry.
 Robert Noland Communications Manager