
Secret Service agents and military assistants to the President of the United States all understand that the time may come when they are called to defend the President with their lives -- but that is different than having their lives threatened by him.

Trump’s craven handling of his own bout with COVID-19 has been a reminder to us all that he doesn’t care about anyone other than himself.

As of this afternoon, the COVID-19 outbreak at the White House has caused 11 members of Trump’s inner circle to test positive -- the result of the president willfully ignoring social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines from his own CDC. Two of Trump’s military aides, both of whom were tasked with shadowing the president everywhere he goes while carrying the so-called “nuclear football,” have also tested positive. Exposure to an infectious President has sent the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff into quarantine. America’s military readiness, and Trump’s fitness to command, has been jeopardized by a preventable outbreak caused by the President himself.

Unfortunately, none of this is surprising for Trump. We’ve come to expect this kind of blatant disregard for the well-being of others and outright disdain for servicemembers and patriots working in the intelligence community and the federal government. But that still doesn’t make it acceptable.

If you’re as fired up as we are about beating Trump in November, please rush a donation to be split between the Biden-Harris ticket and Serve America before Kamala takes the stage tonight for the VP debate.

Remember when Trump made Mike Pence the “coronavirus czar?” We do and we’re looking forward to watching Kamala Harris hold Mike Pence accountable for his botched handling of COVID-19.

Thanks for all you’re doing.

Serve America