Dear John,
Defend the rule of law: Join Liberty
Yesterday we launched our legal action to prevent Prime Minister Boris Johnson from flouting the law by refusing to extend the Brexit deadline. This is not about party politics or Brexit. It’s about upholding the rule of law. It requires an unshakeable, independent and non-party political organisation to step up to defend our constitutional principles. That organisation is Liberty.
For 85 years, we’ve held governments of every colour and persuasion to account. We live in extraordinary times and Liberty’s role of standing up to power is more important than ever.
But we can only defend the rule of law, fight for our human rights and work to make the UK fairer for everyone with people like you standing with us.
Liberty is only as strong as its members. By becoming a member today, you will be joining thousands of other like-minded people who challenge injustice wherever they see it.
We’re proud of our principled political neutrality, which allows us to work with Parliamentarians from across the political spectrum to defend our hard-won freedoms and ensure that the rule of law isn’t undermined.
From resisting biased privacy-invading facial recognition technology to fighting for an end to the hostile environment, Liberty is at the forefront of campaigning for a fairer UK. The threat to democracy posed by our Prime Minister’s apparent intention to disobey the law is an abuse of power that we will challenge fearlessly.
If you want to join an organisation that will rise to the challenges of the turbulent times we’re living through, I ask that you become a member today.
Best wishes
Martha Spurrier
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