Senator Kamala Harris is going to forcefully prosecute the case that Trump has failed us and Joe Biden is the reliable leader America needs right now. 
That’s what Xavier told CNN’s John King ahead of tonight’s vice-presidential debate. 

As Attorney General of California, Kamala took on Wall Street and the big banks. When she was elected to the Senate, Xavier kept that progress going — holding the big banks accountable and prosecuting fraudsters and crooks. 
But thats not all: Over the last four years, Xavier has prosecuted Trump’s lawlessness in the courtroom, suing him over 100 times. And in just weeks, Kamala and Joe Biden are going to prosecute Trump’s failures at the ballot box. 
As Attorneys General, Kamala and Xavier know how to make a case, and tonight and in the days ahead, we must all do our part to make that case stronger to the American people. Team, if you agree that Trump needs to be held accountable for his failures, will you add grassroots pressure by signing your name now? 
Thank you, 
Team Becerra
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