John --

Parliament has just been suspended.

It is incredibly likely that an election will be called when politicians return in October. We have to use the time to get ready.

When the general election happens, I am really worried that it will end with the Brexit Party getting seats in Parliament, Nigel Farage having a say over who the next PM is, and a no-deal Brexit being forced through parliament.

We have to stop the Brexit party from getting a toehold on power by winning any seats at all.

That’s why today HOPE not hate are launching our General Election Fighting Fund, to take the fight to the Brexit party and to stop a no-deal Brexit ripping our country apart.

We’ve worked out that we need to raise £25,000 to get our campaign off the ground. We’ve done this before, and we can do it again. We’re putting together plans for leaflets, direct mailshots and targeted social media advertising. We can reach the people we need to turn out to vote against the Brexit party, if we have the resources.

Can you donate to our Fighting Fund today so we can take on the Brexit party and stop their no-deal Brexit?

We can’t do this without you, and we can’t let them win.

We can make such a difference in this election. Let’s do it together.


Nick Lowles

CEO, HOPE not hate

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