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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 10 September


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Secularism in the media


Plans for new Catholic faith school in Peterborough revealed

A consultation has been launched into plans for a new Roman Catholic school in Peterborough.

Peterborough Today


Hospital breaching parents' religious rights in life-support row, court told

An NHS hospital's refusal to allow the parents of a seriously ill five-year-old girl to fly her to Italy for treatment is in breach of her and her parents' rights to religious beliefs and EU free movement law, a court has heard.

The Guardian


Muslim woman claims discrimination after being rejected as hotel waitress

A luxury hotel has been accused of discrimination after it denied a Muslim woman a job as a waitress because her faith stops her handling pork or alcohol.

The Times


Welsh council defends prayers before meetings

The NSS's 2012 High Court case against prayers at Bideford Town Council is referenced.



Jehovah's Witness hall plans withdrawn after council rejection

Plans to build a new base for Jehovah's Witnesses in Alexandria town centre have been withdrawn after being rejected by council chiefs. Several residents, as well as the Vale of Leven Trust, objected to the proposal said the development would not economically benefit the town.

Daily Record


Bristol lecturer taught students ‘parts of Zionist lobby’ bankroll Islamophobia

Bristol University is not currently taking action against a professor for teaching students that "parts of the Zionist lobby" are bankrolling hatred of Muslims.

Jewish News


Denbighshire's new £23m Catholic 'through school' opens

Denbighshire's new £23m Catholic through school opened to pupils for the first time.

North Wales Live


Stamford Hill Charedi Jews targeted by 'antisemitic preachers'

Police officers attended but made no arrests as '20-30 men' gathered with a loudspeaker outside a supermarket in Stamford Hill.

The JC


Woman charged with homophobic hate crime after abuse was shouted at Pride event

Jamila Choudhury, from Walthamstow, east London, is accused of haranguing people as they passed her during the event on July 27. Footage posted on social media showed a woman wearing a black niqab repeatedly shouting "shame on you" at people as they moved along Hoe Street, Walthamstow, one of whom was wearing a rainbow LGBT flag.



MSP's concern over increase in anti-Muslim hate

There has been a recent rise in the number of religiously aggravated charges related to Islam in North Ayrshire, new figures have revealed.

Largs & Millport Weekly News


In case you missed it...


Adjudicator can’t stop Jewish school’s impositions on families

A Jewish state school may continue enforcing strict religious observance criteria on children and their families.


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