Friend, we’ve got some exciting news --

We were able to reserve time to get Georgette’s latest TV ad to air during tonight’s Vice Presidential Debate!

We need to keep this ad on the air, tonight and beyond. Contribute $5 or whatever you can so we can keep Georgette's message on TV >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Together, we can elect a leader that’ll never stop working for us.

A leader that’ll fight for Medicare for All -- so that whether you’re the president or a grocery store worker, you’ve got access to the same quality health care.

A leader that’ll push for true police accountability and transparency, while investing in our communities of color.

A leader that puts the people first.

That leader is Georgette.

Chip in $5 or whatever you can so we can keep our ad on the air and show the country what Georgette’s about -- because Georgette’s about the people, and the people only. Thanks, friend. Be sure to look out for Georgette’s ad tonight during the debate here in San Diego!

-- Team Gómez