Did you see Robert’s message, John?

His story of grief — along with every time I see another shooting in the news, another person killed by senseless gun violence — breaks my heart. Because the truth is, I know that we as a country can and must do better to stop these 100% preventable horrors.

That’s why, this year, we must seize this historic opportunity to elect gun safety champions like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris across the country and to root out the NRA’s toxic influence in our political system once and for all. 

I’m in this fight — Brady is in this fight — so we can help survivors like Robert, honor victims like his sister Carmen, and make the common-sense change that we know will save lives in this country.

But time is running out on this once-in-a-generation opportunity — and the consequences of falling short are life and death: So I’m personally reaching out to you, John. As one of our top supporters, you know this work has never been more important — but with just hours left until our critical midnight deadline, we’re still WAY behind what we need to fund our critical programs that will protect voting access, elect gun safety champions, and finally end the NRA’s reign of terror. 

John, Brady’s lifesaving work hinges on the generosity of grassroots supporters like you who care about a just future — and we can’t make up this shortfall without your immediate donation: Will you give $5 or more right now — every dollar will be doubled — to honor gun violence victims like Carmen, defeat the NRA’s bought-and-paid-for politicians, and make tangible change in this country?

We have one chance to make history on Election Day and make sure no politician puts gun lobby profits over the safety of our communities ever again.

We know we can do it, but we also know we can’t create massive change without you fighting by our side, John. Thanks for everything you do. 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Schentrup
Date: Tue, Oct 6, 2020
Subject: for my sister, Carmen